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Town Street (1)

Town Street c1860
Title Town Street (1)
Date c1860
Location Rawdon
Photo ID M078
Comment This photograph was taken from the top of St. Peter’s Church tower. The junction with Carr Lane is just before the horse and cart on the left, then only a track. Opposite is Grange Farm and above the farm is the National School. Opposite the school is the Naggs Head Public House. Photographer John Arundel.
Town Street c1860

U976 – Town Street, c1860.

Town Street – c1860

Another beautiful photograph taken from the tower of St. Peter’s Church during the winter months. In the foreground can be seen the church Vicarage and grounds, it was demolished during the late 1960s. Beyond the Vicarage is Grange Farm and above that, the National School which was destroyed by fire in 1951. Only the Headmaster’s house survived the fire after which it became the residence of the school caretaker. Opposite the school is the Naggs Head Ale House and on the bend on the right is Intake Lane. On the horizon can be seen the chimney of the then Larkfield Mill and far to the right and out of view is Billing Wood.

Town Street c1890

H071 – Town Street, c1890.

Town Street – c1890

Town Street looking towards St. Peter’s Church. Town Street was also known locally as Town Gate.

On the left is the entrance to the National School and below that the entrance to Grange Farm. The last building on the right was to become Emsley’s General Store and the shop on the immediate left became a bakers, today it is the Village Bakery. (March 2021)

Town Street Undated

T165 – Town Street, Undated.

Town Street – Undated

An undated colour tinted postcard of Town Street, taken from H071 above presumably.

It was sent to Mrs B Wright, ‘Porthia’, Little London, Rawdon.

Donated by Carol Hall.

Town Street Undated

T166 – Town Street, Undated.

Town Street – Undated

The reverse of the photo card above.

Town Street c1900

I635 – Town Street, Undated.

Town Street – c1900.

View taken by Ernest E Slater, looking down Town Street to St. Peter’s Church.

The National School and school bell tower can be seen on the left side; the alms houses just in front of St. Peter’s Church are also visible.

Town Street c1900

G260 – Town Street, c1900.

Town Street – c1900

The two alms houses to the left of St. Peter’s Church were built by Thomas Layton and survived until the 1970s.

Town Street c1900

R187 – Town Street, c1900.

Town Street – c1900.

A colour tinted postcard presumably taken from B039 image above.
A message on the reverse reads ” Queen Street, Rawdon, 9th March 1907, C F Forshaw. Dear Sir, The March number of Yorks. Notes & Queries is not yet to hand. Will you please forward and oblige. Yours respectfully H M Fairburn’.

Town Street c1900

R188 – Town Street, c1900.

Town Street – c1900

It was addressed to:
C F Forshaw Esq. Editor for Yorks. Notes & Queries, Market Street, Bradford.

Town Street c1900

G077 – Town Street, c1900.

Town Street – c1900.

The alms cottages on Town Street, two elderly ladies are in the doorway of the cottage on the left, the two men wearing hats appear to be giving them a letter or a piece of paper. Out of view behind the second cottage is St. Peter’s Church.

Alms Houses Town Street c1900

T752 – Town Street, c1900.

Town Street – c1900

The alms cottages with residents stood in the doorway.

Town Street c1900

G080 – Town Street, c1900.

Town Street – c1900

A view from the top of Carr Lane looking towards St. Peter’s Church in the background and the two alms house on the left.

Town Street 1903

AA97 – Town Street, 1903.

Town Street – 1903

A faint view of Town Street with a horse and cart on the left hand side of the road outside the premises which later become the general store of Emsley’s. Opposite the entrance to Grange Farm.

Town Street 1920

AA92 – Town Street, c1920.

Town Street – c1920

The location is thought to be Town Street, a group on men are examining the Fire Engine. 

Town Street 1903

U977 – Town Street, c1920s.

Town Street – c1920s

A familiar view of Town Street from the start of Intake lane on the immediate left hand side and looking down Town Street towards St. Peter’s Church. This image is important as it is the only image we know of which shows the Naggs Head Public House and sign outside the premises on the immediate right hand side of the photo.

Town Street c1930s

W920 – Town Street, c1930s.

Town Street – c1930s

Harold Hoare is in the main doorway with Margaret and Dorothy Emsley. Dorothy and Harold managed the shop and had several other employees. They often sat in a small room overlooking the shop and answered phone calls from customers and suppliers telephone number Rawdon 51!

Donated by Val Ryan – to see more information see ‘Memories’ Val Ryan – 1939 – 1945 on this site.

Town Street c1939/45

B222 – Town Street, 1939/45.

Town Street – c1939/45

On the left is the junction with Carr lane, a lorry is stationary on the corner.
A sign warning motorists of a school in the vicinity applies to the National School which is on the right hand side further up Town Street. To the left would be Emsley’s General Store. Kerbs and lampposts have been painted with white stripes, this was a war-time blackout precaution to aid people to discern obstacles in the dark.

Town Street 1947

FF136 – Town Street, c1920.

Town Street – 1947

Two views of Town Street in the winter o 1947, exceptionally heavy snowfalls added to the miseries of post-war Britain. 

Photographer Marmaduke Milner, donated by the Swain family of Rawdon.

Town Street 1947

FF136A – Town Street, 1947.

Town Street – 1947

As above.

Previous Comments:

Re G077
Graham Branston
The cottages on the first photograph were once almshouses provided for poor Rawdon residents, probably by the Emmott family. The June 2014 photo of the former post office, now a barbers and former newsagent/general store, now Billing Tea Room, were both once part of the Nag’s Head public house, probably once very popular with the
local farming/rural community. The Emmott Arms was probably frequented by more well to do residents. The proprieters of the Leeds/Liverpool Canal (Yorkshire section) had some meetings there.
06 August 2018

Re M078
Graham Branston
The horse and cart on the left of the top photo, would have been outside Emsley’s grocery store. As well as selling a range of groceries, the popular store sold flour that was milled at the back of the shop. The horse and cart would have been used to collect grain for milling from farmers and delivering sacks of flour to homes and bakeries, along with groceries. I was told by the late Margaret Emsley that her father, Roy traded at the Leeds Corn Exchange. The shop became a small engineering works before being converted into a residential property in the 1990’s.
26 February 2018

Re FF136
I was only a toddler but I can remember the very harsh winters and heavy snowfall and walking to school across Larkfield on top of the wall! We had snowdrifts up the front door and had to dig ourselves out and massive icicles hung on the guttering often for weeks. Great for sledging down “Frankland’s field” though and skating on Rawdon Dam till after dark.
09 July 2014

I had just been demobbed and came home from Japan in 1946, leading into one of the coldest winters since the worst one I can remember in 1933. What a Homecoming.
18 August 2017

Stephanie May
I too remember the snow drifts in Canada Road & the frozen Rawdon dam. Dad took me up there & he had some blades attached to black boots so he was able to skate. As a boy back in the 1920’s he had had relatives living in the unusually shaped house on the corner near where Storey Evans used to be. My favourite sled run was on the Littlemoor triangle by Quaker Lane. I still can picture the sled run looking like glass. I had a crush on a boy called Paul Metcalfe….
19 August 2017

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 04 February 2021.
Last updated: 16 January 2024 – Photo ID: T537 replaced with T752. 27 October 2023 – Photo ID: T537. 06 November 2022 – All images updated.

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