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Brass Band

Brass Band Undated
Title Brass Band
Date 1937
Location Guiseley
Photo ID FB274
Comment Guiseley Brass band outside Charlie Yates auction house. John Hopkinson has told us that the bandsman with the euphonium next to the right of the bandmaster is Richard Beaumont Hopkinson, 1921 – 2008, my eldest brother. My grandfather, Richard Bellamy, bought him a trumpet when he was seven, and he played in the band until he was 85 or 86. He married Daisy Shipley, from Brandesburton, near Beverly, in 1948, at her home parish church.

Previous Comments:

Fairly sure the cornet player 3rd from right, back row is my father-in-law Tony Smith about 17 at the time of the photo – was in the band most of his life.
18 June 2013.

I have submitted this photo on line as year c1946, I accept this as being the accurate date, due to knowledge of site.
The bandmaster was Whibert / Wybert (?) Stevenson / Stephenson.
My Grandfather, with the Brass Bass, Charles Nelson Hextall, is seated next to the drummer, at my Grandfathers funeral, the band paraded and played in respect of his 25 plus yrs service, c1920 / 1950. He was also presented with a watch for 25 yrs service.
15 July 2013

I think that 1946 would be nearer the mark. I joined around 1950 and there are a few I can remember. Far left front row is Teddy Wainwright on flugel, 3rd from left in the middle row looks like Dick Hopkinson on tenor horn, 2nd from left, back row on cornet looks like one of the Smith brothers from the Moorland Estate. R of centre, back row could be Whybert’s son Roy on cornet and on his left maybe Jimmy Malloy. On the front row 3rd from the right is Bill Sands on EE flat bass and 2nd left on BBflat bass is (I forget his first name) Prentice and the drummer looks like (again I forget) Horner
Have a word with Roy Stevenson who is the current band master, he lives in Town Street.
I wonder what happened to all those wonderful blue uniforms, they would be ideal for use in many of the old musicals and period productions.
11 November 2013.

I joined Guiseley Band about 1940 after graduating from the local school band in 1948. Started learning on the tenor horn but my talents on the instrument were not the best and took over the roll of base drummer. Although I remember all the mentioned names the photo would appear to have been taken a couple of years before I joined. The strange thing is that the base drummer in the photo is not me but is noted as having my name ‘Horner’. Too much of a coincidence I think !
30 March 2014.

6th from left front row, Joseph Wolstenholme (my Grandfather). 4th from right second row, Victor Wolstenholme, or maybe Norman Wolstenholme? Joseph’s sons, my uncle’s.
I have a copy of this photo on my wall. It was taken outside Guiseley rectory. It must have been sometime in the 1930’s, by 1948 Victor Wolstenholme had been dead for six years and Norman would have been 30 years old. Perhaps have another look at some of the faces and work out their age?
14 May 2018.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 17 April 2022.
Last updated: 17 April 2022.

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