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Oxford Road, c1900s – onwards (1)

Oxford Road c1900

Title Oxford Road
Date c1900
Location Guiseley
Photo ID D030
Comment Oxford Road with the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel in the centre of the view.
Oxford Road c1905

X147 – Oxford Street, c1905.

Oxford Road – c1905

Two views looking up Oxford Road in the direction of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel.

Oxford Road c1905

F274 – Oxford Street, c1905.

Oxford Road – c1905

As above.

Oxford Road 1913

J270 – Oxford Street, 1913.

Oxford Road – 1913

Tranquil scene on Oxford Road, the spire of the Methodist Church is in the distance. On the reverse of this card is written: “This is a view of Guiseley which I hope you will like it is one of the chief streets so I send you the best remember me to Willie and let him have a look at the house where I am staying it is just by the lamp which you can see From Pollie” It is addressed to: Miss Carter in Huddersfield. The house she refers to is on the right, a horse and cart is next to the street lamp.

Oxford Road 1920s

C714 – Oxford Street, 1920s.

Oxford Road – 1920s

On the left is the Station Hotel, opposite is the Midland Bank, then Martin’s Bank and the Post Office.
Outside the Post Office is a telephone kiosk.

Donated by Philip Archdale.

Oxford Road c1915

I836 – Oxford Street, c1915.

Oxford Road – c1915

The view of Oxford Road looks in the direction of Towngate, the spire of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel is on the left. The black & white photo shows the Station Hotel at the left edge, the bridge spanning the railway line and an early car in the road. The building with the tower is the Guiseley & Yeadon Coal Co., at 43 Oxford Road, the middle shop on the right is the ? Valley Laundry.

Oxford Road 1930s/2008

D626 – Oxford Street, 1930s/2008.

Oxford Road – 1930s/2008

Rundle & Harwood Ironmongers Shop on the corner of Oxford Road and Orchard Lane.

Oxford Road 1930s/2008

D626A – Oxford Street, 1930s/2008.

Oxford Road – 1930s/2008

Now the same premises in 2008, a Restaurant and in June 2017 it became the Cena Bistro.

Oxford Road 1930s

H089 – Oxford Street, 1930s.

Oxford Road – 1930s

Rundle & Harwood Ironmongers Shop on the corner of Oxford Road and Orchard Lane.

Oxford Road 1930s

H090 – Oxford Street, 1930s.

Oxford Road – 1930s

Rundle and Harwood ironmongers shop situated at the junction of Oxford Road and Orchard Lane.

Oxford Road 19350s

A406 – Oxford Street, c1950s.

Oxford Road – c1950s

Oxford Circus. The ivy covered building on the left is the Station Hotel, to the right is Oxford Road with the bridge over the railway line.
This is before traffic lights were installed at this junction, a Belisha beacon stands outside the Station Hotel. These were introduced by the government in 1934.
A lorry is parked on the right near the Midland Bank, to the right are the offices of the Guiseley and Yeadon Coal Co., which is the taller building with the cupola.
Next, Martins Bank then the Post Office, Yorkshire Penny Bank and newsagents on the right edge.
In the foreground is a triangular road island at the junction with Otley Road (A65). The lamp standard has a direction sign for public conveniences, these are out of view at the end of Station Road and are now converted into a car sales office.

Oxford Road 1955

M075 – Oxford Street, 1955.

Oxford Road – 1955

This is the bridge which carries Oxford Road over the railway line. The view looks to Otley Road. Netherfield Road is on the right.

Oxford Road 1957

FB229 – Oxford Street, 1957.

Oxford Road – 1957

View looking from the end of Victoria Road up Oxford Road with Otley Road separating the two.
The Station Hotel is on the left edge, Yorkshire Penny Bank is on the right.

Donated by Andrew Clayton.

Oxford Road 1960

G415 – Oxford Street, 1960.

Oxford Road – 1960

This plaque is on the bridge which takes Oxford Road over the Guiseley railway line.

Photographer Edwy Harling.

Oxford Road 1966

G113 – Oxford Street, 1966.

Oxford Road – 1966

View taken from the tower of St. Oswald’s Church.
The church in the distance is the Wesleyan Methodist on Oxford Road. In front of Oxford Road is Cambridge Street then Butts Terrace.
In the middle distance, the clock tower of High Royds Hospital is visible.

Oxford Road 1969

E387 – Oxford Street, 1969.

Oxford Road – 1969

This section of Oxford Road is marked on older maps as Oxford Street, the view looks towards Towngate. The chimney belonged to Busfield’s Albion Dyeworks.
The Co-operative store is at the corner with Orchard Lane. On the right the Post Office is at the junction with Butt Lane.
Various signs can be seen. On the left “Transport Café” and “To Car Park”.
Beyond the Post Office “Chemist” and “Bush” indicating a radio / TV dealer.
The caption with this image states that it was taken on a Saturday morning at 11am to register the effect of new parking regulations.

Oxford Road 1973/2004

K412 – Oxford Street, 1973/2004.

Oxford Road – 1973/2004

This 1973 image shows the staff of “Porky Brown’s” butchers outside the shop.

Oxford Road 1973/2004

K412A – Oxford Street, 1973/2004.

Oxford Road – 1973/2004

This 2004 picture is of the same premises with a takeaway food business trading there as the “Spice Inn”.

Previous Comments:

Re A406
Some discrepancy here! There is a missing shop which is next to the Yeadon & Guiseley Coal Co. It was Patti Waites Bakers Shop which used to sell wonderful bilberry pies, etc.
19 February 2015.

Re K412
The photo shows ‘Porky’ Brown in the centre and his son on the right (with glasses). The reason he came by this nickname was the sign over the shop window which said, PORK E. BROWN BUTCHER.

Re E387
Comments from our facebook page:

Helen Knight: I used to love going into the chemist at Christmas time when they would open the back room up with lots of things to buy, we would wash up for spending money and buy our Christmas presents.

Christine Robinson: That used to be the post office and Waites bread shop where we used to buy all our confectionary. The lady who owned it was not to be messed with, a real tyrant if you got on the wrong side of her. Jack Dennisons wife Maud used to work there on the post office side, you could have a good natter with her

Elizabeth Ludley-Grimshaw: Annie Waite was the owner. Her husband was called Dick Flesher. Remember Maude Dennison, I was friends with her daughter, Carol.

Christine Robinson: That’s right Elizabeth, Carol moved away. I seem to remember that Jack and Maud went to live with her.

Elizabeth Ludley-Grimshaw: Maybe they moved after Jack retired from his funeral business on Otley Road.

Christine Robinson: They did.

Sally Cottle: It’s a shame there’s not a decent shop along there now.

Kevin Brett: In another time, how many of you remember the rock club on the top floor of the liberal club? Run by Laurie Walker & his wife.

Elizabeth Ludley-Grimshaw: I remember! I was taught ballroom dancing, also, by Laurie.

Caroline White: I remember the staircase in the Co-op. Not forgetting Lunns butchers shop just a bit further down Town Street. I remember the butcher, a short stocky kind faced, white haired fella. He used to stand at the door in his apron. The door was in two halves…See More

Elizabeth Ludley-Grimshaw: I believe the tall building on the right of the picture would be the former Liberal Club, Kate Lloyd. Rushworth’s (further along from the post office)was the Chemists shop for all of my childhood. Don’t remember the name of the Chemist who took it over.

Jane Risidi: Oooh, I used to go to dancing class in the liberal club. It was run by Don Crossland then and didn’t have any boys either!!! His daughter also went, Jennifer Crossland. Many a Saturday afternoons spent there with cherry aid and cheese puffs in the break. It was early 60’s and I went with my sister Kathryn Exley. My mum still lives on Oxford Avenue!!!

Tricia Richardson: I also used to go to dance classes in the Liberal Club – the classes were run by Mr & Mrs Green and there were no boys in the class so you had to learn the steps with Mr Green who wore a black three piece suite and black patent dance shoes – I still have all my dance medals from those days in a memory box . I used to love going into the Co-op and I remember the stairs too and collecting the green stamp books !!

Jeannie Cutlan: Elizabeth Fry worked in the chemists in the late 1960s. A bit further along towards Towngate was a woolshop/haberdashers. I used to go to ballroom dancing classes at the Liberal Club in the late 50s. It always smelt of stale beer!!

Elizabeth Ludley-Grimshaw: Me too, Jeannie. Maybe we were there at the same time! Laurie Walker and his wife ran the ballroom dancing classes in my day. Their daughter Lynne Walker used to be there as well. I knew her at St. Oswald’s School.

Kevin Brett: Elizabeth, the cobbler was Mr Hicks A small wooden hut opposite Brian Peels Fish shop.

Elizabeth Ludley-Grimshaw: Thank you, Kevin. It’s great that these little local shops are all remembered so fondly. I doubt the same will be said of Morrisons or the other supermarkets which have taken all the local colour out of the neighborhoods.

Sean Park: Looks a lot better back then.

Wendy Clapham: Yes, I remember those shops and the road as it was when I lived in Guiseley. Thanks Christine. Always used the post office and the bread shop.

Kate Lloyd: What is the fantastic tall building on the right hand side, which is still there?

Gary Stevens: Another incredible picture not far from where I live. This I did not know, that there was once a mill, before my time obviously.

Tony Walker: I remember getting dragged by the hair by my parents for dancing lessons at Don and Betty Crosslands. Remember Jennifer and Julie.

Sue Kingham-Reynolds: I’m sure I remember at the end of Oxford Street was Norths Barbers shop and Kays grocery shop.

Elizabeth Ludley-Grimshaw: Dougie North’s Barber Shop was on the opposite side of the road – in Town Gate – where it still is, run by his son, – Close by St. Oswald’s Church. Kay’s was also in Town Gate – same side of the road as Dougie North’s but higher up Town Street.

Sue Kingham-Reynolds: That’s right, I remember there was also a newsagents there too.

John Birchall: Was that Harry Norfolk’s transport cafe, Norfolk House.

Kevin Brett: Sadly no one mentioned Carling & wright’s television shop where I worked from 1956 -1969. My mother also worked for Annie Waite in the post office, by the way, it was always Oxford Street & still is.

Elizabeth Ludley-Grimshaw: I remember Carling and Wright’s Television shop, Kevin. There was also a shoe repair shop a bit further along – maybe next to June’s wool shop. Then Harry Ogden’s the Butcher’s was on the corner.

John Birchall: Thought so Colleen, used to go in for my breakfast if I was working close.

Caroline White: Christine Robinson, Alan Robinson, I remember this like it was yesterday.

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Consolidated by Linda Plonka. 08 March 2022.
Last updated: 20 March 2024 – Photo ID: I835.

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