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Home » Guiseley » Businesses Guiseley » Wilson’s, Silver Cross, Nethermoor Works, 1936 – 2006 (7)

Wilson’s, Silver Cross, Nethermoor Works, 1936 – 2006 (7)

Wilsons of Guiseley 2004-2010

Title Wilson’s, Silver Cross, Nethermoor Works.
Date 2004/2010
Location Guiseley
Photo ID D718
Comment See below …

The following two images are of Lawrence Wilson’s Silver Cross pram works before it was demolished and the subsequent development of the site. 

Lawrence Wilsons 2004/2010

D178A – Lawrence Wilson, 2004/2010.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2004/2010

As above.

Lawrence Wilsons 2004/2010

D719 – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2004/2010.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2004/2010

The following two images are of Lawrence Wilson’s Silver Cross pram works before it was demolished and the subsequent development of the site. 

Lawrence Wilsons 2004/2010

D179A – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2004/2010.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2004/2010

As above.

Lawrence Wilsons 2004/2010

D720 – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2004/2010.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2004/2010

The following two images are of Lawrence Wilson’s Silver Cross pram works before it was demolished and the subsequent development of the site. 

Lawrence Wilsons 2004/2010

D720A – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2004/2010.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2004/2010

As above.

Lawrence Wilsons 2004/2010

D646 – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2004/2010.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2004/2010

The following two images are of Lawrence Wilson’s Silver Cross pram works before it was demolished and the subsequent development of the site. 

Looking across Otley Road (A65) from the corner with Ings Lane on the left to the Silver Cross pram works, by 2010 the works were demolished and on the same part of the site is a clinic for skin complaints (July 2017). Back Lane is to the right.

Lawrence Wilsons 2004/2010

D646A – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2004/2010.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2004/2010

As above.

Lawrence Wilsons 2004

E250 – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2004.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2004

On the right of Otley Road is Wilson’s Silver Cross pram works, this was formerly the premises of Claughton’s boot factory, known as Nethermoor Works

Lawrence Wilsons c2004

S184 – Wilson’s of Guiseley, c2004.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – c2004

Photo taken prior to the factory being demolished and housing erected on the site. A wagon is parked on Otley Road outside the works once owned by Lawrence Wilson.

Lawrence Wilsons 2006

FB108 – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2006.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2006

The Silver Cross Pram Works is on the right of the view, it was the business of Wilsons.
The location is Otley Road (A65), the factory complex has since been demolished and housing built on the site (April 2013).

Photographer Joanne Coultas.

Wilsons of Guiseley 2006

FBA160- Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2006.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2006

3rd January 2006,Otley Road, Guiseley. The former Lawrence Wilson & Sons, Silver Cross, pram works is on the left. The factory was originally built on 2 acres of land (late 1870s-early 1800s) by Hugh Claughton, who manufactured boots and shoes there. He called the core building Nethermoor, after his death the business foundered, the works were bought by Naylor Jennings of Green Lane Dyeworks, who spun artificial silk there. Wilsons relocated to the factory from Leeds in 1936 and remained there until the company moved to premises near Skipton around 2002.

Donated by Brian Triffit.

Wilsons of Guiseley 2006

FBA161 – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2006.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2006

15th May 2006 the former Lawrence Wilson & Sons, Silver Cross, pram works is surrounded by scaffolding prior to demolition.

Donated by Brian Triffit.

Wilsons of Guiseley 2006

FBA162 – Wilson’s of Guiseley, 2006.

Wilson’s of Guiseley – 2006

25th May 2006 the former premises of Lawrence Wilson & Sons, Silver Cross, pram works, partially demolished, housing would be built on the site.

Donated by Brian Triffit.

Previous Comments:

I worked there for a short time as a young man. It was Lawrence Wilson & sons, Silver Cross Pram works.
I started in the riveting shop, then moved to the plastic extrusion dept., where they made the plastic pram handles and Brake pads etc. They were just introducing a vacuum forming machine to form next generation plastic pram bodies. My uncle Lawrence Beevers worked in the chrome shop at the time. He was a member of the Silver Cross Archery Club.
21 May 2013.

I Have been wondering if Lawence Beevers is still alive as I have not seen him for quite a while and last time I saw him he was quite ill. We were pals pre war and joined the navy together and spent some time together in Japan at the end of the War and I saw him regularly in Morrison’s up to some time last year.
01 July 2013.

lynda rees
My uncle worked at Silver Cross for many years. his name was Norman Cooper.
11 April 2018.

Janice spofford
My father-in-law was the Inland Sales Manager, Alan spofford, for years until he retired.
My mother-in-law Nora, used to sew pram hoods.
I had a black silver cross coach built pram in black for my first child and then a twin one for the twins five years later.
15 April 2019.

Hazel Reynolds
Can the photo of Silver Cross Pram factory FB108 be bought.Thanks.
13 October 2020.

Dear Hazel, please email me at and I will send you a copy.
15 May 2022.

<< Page 6

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 15 May 2022.
Last updated: 16 May 2022.

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