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Rigg, John & Family – Undated

John Rigg Undated
Title John Rigg
Date Undated
Location Rawdon
Photo ID E088
Comment The Rigg family were master butchers. John Rigg was a Primitive Methodist preacher and a member of the Harrogate Road, Baptist Chapel, which was built in 1867. The Rigg’s were great supporters of this chapel and it was often referred to by Rawdon people as ‘Rigg’s Chapel’. James who died in 1867 was the great, great, grandfather of Martin Rigg, author of a series of illustrated books about Aireborough.
Charles Edward Rigg 1939/45

S390 – Charles Edward Rigg, 1939-45.

Charles Edward Rigg – 1939/45

Charles Edward Rigg, on the left, was in the Army serving in India for 4 years between 1939-1945.
He was a local solicitor and father of author Martin Rigg.

Rigg Family Undated

AA067 – Rigg Family, Undated.

Rigg Family – Undated

The location for this photo was a house called ‘Hillfield’, 21 Harrogate Road, Rawdon.

The man in the centre is Martin Henry Rigg, born February 25th 1878, he married Madeline Devine whose father was James Devine, on April 22nd 1911. Marion Rigg front row, 1st right and her brother Richard (Dick) is standing to the left behind her.
At that time he was living at 7 Harrogate Road and she lived at number 3, Madeline disliked her job as a worsted weaver in the mills but Martin was quite content to follow many of the Rigg family into the butchery business.
Their grandson also called Martin compiled the series of illustrated books about Aireborough.

Rigg Family 1952

E576 – Charles Edward Rigg, 1952.

Charles Edward Rigg – 1952

Baptism of Martin Rigg at Harrogate Road, Methodist Chapel in the summer of 1952. Martin is the baby held by Bessie Rigg who was a cousin of Charles Edward Rigg, Martin’s father.
Charles E was a solicitor, during the 2nd World War he served in the Army, spending almost 4 years in India.
He married Ettie Dutton in 1950 and is seen here at the back of the group holding his other son son Michael.

Margaret Rigg c1970

E577 – Rigg Family, c1970.

Rigg Family – c1970

Margaret Rigg, sister of Martin, on Renton Avenue.
The family lived at ‘Delamere’, 1A Renton Avenue, which was built for his family by Charles E Rigg.
Martin Rigg donated these photos and said “I often referred to the puddles in the road in my poetry, I think the road was made up a year or so after.”

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 08 June 2022.
Last updated: 08 June 2022.

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