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Primitive Methodist Church 1866 – 1971

Primitive Methodists Undated
Title Primitive Methodist Church 1866 – 1971
Date Undated
Location Rawdon
Photo ID FBA006
Comment The Primitive Methodist Church was built in 1866 and until 1971, was located on the Harrogate Road, very near to the Littlemoor Primary School. In 1971 it closed and was subsequently demolished in 1974, to make way for residential housing.
Primitive Methodist Chapel c1900

H704 – primitive Methodist Church, c1900.

Primitive Methodist Church – 1907

Primitive Methodist Chapel on Harrogate Road, the photographer was E E Slater.

Primitive Methodist 1907

A436 – primitive Methodist Church, 1907.

Primitive Methodist Church – 1907

A frontal view of the Church on a postcard.

Primitive Methodist Church 1907

A436A – Primitive Methodist Church, 1907.

Primitive Methodist Church – 1907

The message on the reverse reads:

“Dear Bas, will you bring about 20 Dozen football cards with you on Sat. & oblige yours etc Harry”
It is addressed to Mr B Jordan
40 Copthorne Street,

Primitive Methodist Church 1914

N02 – Primitive Methodist Church, Whitsuntide Walk, 1914.

Primitive Methodist Church – 1914

This photograph was previously thought to have been associated with Littlemoor Primary School, however, a local historian Jean Dean advised AHS that it was in fact some form of religious occasion held by the Harrogate Road, Primitive Methodist Church. We are proud to confirm her account and have moved it accordingly to its proper place within the Primitive Methodist Church 1866 – 1971, on the AHS website.

It is without doubt an interesting photograph showing the attire of the day of all those attending this occasion.

The following information came to light on 02 Feb 2021:

Schoolchildren are gathered with their parents on Littlemoor Methodist recreation ground for the Whitsuntide Walk and hymns.
The Walk was a declaration of faith, the Feast of Pentecost falls on the 7th Sunday after Easter and commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Disciples of Jesus.
The name “Whitsuntide” is is a corruption of White Sunday, a traditional day for baptisms when those to be baptised would wear white garments.

This gave rise to the custom of children having new clothes to wear on Whit Sunday.
Whitsuntide was replaced by a fixed Bank Holiday in 1971, called Spring Bank Holiday falling at the end of May.

To view the Primitive Methodist Cricket Team 1914/18 – Click Here

Primitive Methodist Church Undated

G067 – Primitive Methodist Church, 1907.

Primitive Methodist Church – Undated

A frontal view of the Church.

Primitive Methodist Church Undated

G068 – Primitive Methodist Church, Undated.

Primitive Methodist Church – Undated

An internal view looking from the gallery of the chapel into the lower areas.  The organ can be seen. 

Primitive Methodist Church 1936

N84 – Primitive Methodist Church, 1936.

Primitive Methodist Church – 1936

Members in a production of ‘Pearl the Fishermaiden’ in April.

Miss L Darnborough as Pearl in in the centre.

Primitive Methodist Churchy 1936

W294 – Primitive Methodist Church, 1936.


Primitive Methodist Church – 1936

November 1936: Lady members of the church in a sketch called Gwynne v Gwynne.

Primitive Methodist Church Undated

G093 – Primitive Methodist Church, Undated.

Primitive Methodist Church – Undated

Group of ladies from the Primitive Methodist Chapel who were the cast of “A Village Wedding”.
This was a popular play which many amateur groups performed.

Primitive Methodist Church Undated

F126 – Primitive Methodist Church, Undated.

 Primitive Methodist Church – Undated

The Merry ‘Un’s Concert Party.

This group belonged to the Primitive Methodist Church.
Back row from left to right: Ronald Rollinson, ( ? ) ( ? ) Iva Price, ( ? )
Front row from left to right: ( ? ) Evelyn Pullan, ( ? ) Margaret Rigg, May Bantin.

Primitive Methodist Church 1947

J480 – Primitive Methodist Church, 1947.

Primitive Methodist Church – 1947

A front and side elevation view by the Photographer Marmaduke Milner, donated by the Swain family of Rawdon.

Primitive Methodist Church Undated

A339 – Primitive Methodist Church, Undated.

 Primitive Methodist Church – Undated

A multi-view postcard with images of the Primitive Methodist Chapel. Prior to this worshipers had met in a small Chapel which was comprised of the top two houses on Canada Road.
There was insufficient space for the growing congregation, Harrogate Road Chapel was built in 1866.

The ‘Rigg’ family (local butchers) were strong supporters leading to the Chapel being nick-named ‘Rigg’s Chapel’. To see John Rigg – Click Here.

In the top left corner are the Chapel and caretakers house, an oval in the centre has an interior view of the Chapel.

Top right, a group of people presumably members of the Chapel.

Bottom left, the Rev. J Harding then in the centre a memorial tablet which reads: ‘To the Glory of God and in Memory of Thomas Rigg who departed this life on Feb, 13th 1907 aged ? years. A native of this village and for over 40 years a member of this Church and his fellow townsmen i recognition of his zeal for the welfare of the Church and the village. He Being Dead Yet Speaketh’

Bottom right a picture of the Rev. T Dawson.

Primitive Methodist Church 1955

Z41 – Primitive Methodist Church, 1955.

Primitive Methodist Church – 1955

Officials and Judges of the 4th Flower, Fruit, Vegetable and Produce Show. Second from the left on the back row is Edward Rigg (father of Martin Rigg), left on the front row is Margaret Rigg who taught at Rawdon Littlemoor School.

Other names noted but not in order are:
Mr Winfield, Mr R V E Taylor, Mrs Kathleen Creasey, Mr J Blea, Mr and Mrs L Pettit and Mr and Mrs F Howlett.

Primitive Methodist Church 1966

Z39 – Primitive Methodist Church, 1966.

 Primitive Methodist Church – 1966

A party for the celebration of a church group or event, the children were winners of a fancy dress competition.

At the back on the left is Miss Marion Rigg, on the right is Mrs E Myers.  At the front from left to right: Mark Burton, Joanne Penny, Mr Neville, Mrs Neville, Melanie Stapleton, Paul Greenwood.

Primitive Methodist Church 1969

L063 – Primitive Methodist Church, 1969.

Primitive Methodist Church – 1969

A chapel birthday party with a stall selling greetings cards and fancy goods.

Donated by the family of the photographer Bryan Waite.

Primitive Methodist Church 1974

E489 – Primitive Methodist Church, 1974.

Primitive Methodist Church – 1974

Demolition of the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Harrogate Road, it was built in 1866.

Primitive methodist Church Undated

H075 – Primitive Methodist Church, Undated.

Primitive Methodist Church – Undated

A group of men attending a church coffee morning.

Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.

Primitive methodist Church Undated

C623 – Primitive Methodist Church, Undated.

Primitive Methodist Church – Undated

Rawdon Methodist Young Wives concert group, the later called themselves the ‘Gay Timers’

Donated by Marion Thomas.

Primitive Methodist Church Undated

C631 – Primitive Methodist Church, Undated.

Primitive Methodist Church – Undated

The Young Wives concert party, later they called themselves the ‘Gay Timers’.

At the front on the left wearing a bow tie is Marion Thomas (nee Squires) who donated the photo.

Previous Comments:

Re G067
Charles Long (one of my ancestors) was a lay preacher here in the 19th century until he left Rawdon for Saltaire early in the 20th century.
15 September 2013

Re L063
This was the schoolroom of Harrogate Road, Primitive Methodist Chapel, in Rawdon.
My auntie, Marion Rigg, is on the left of the photo and Joyce Waddington (wife of Stanley) is next to her.
02 March 2017

Re A436
Graham Branston
This was Rawdon’s second Primitive Methodist Chapel. The first (1824) was at the top of Canada Road, now converted to two semi – detached residences (see the ecclesiastical style windows). It closed in 1867 when the one on Harrogate Road opened. The area at the top of Canada Road was once known as ‘Chapeltown’ because a little way down Over Lane was the much larger and rather grand Greenhill Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. So there were once two Methodist chapels in close proximity. It was around 1810 when the ‘Prims.’ split from the Wesleyan Methodists. The chapel in the photographs leaves its ‘footprint’ in the road off Harrogate Road called Chapel Lane. Rawdon has a very diverse and interesting ecclesiastical history for such a relatively small place.
22 March 2018

jean dean
The dates Graham are referring to above when the old chapel was in existance, Canada Road went as far as the Emmotts Arms where it met with Over Lane which the locals called Chapeltown. My Gt. Gt. Grandparents lived at Half Way House, Canada Road, which I later found out was at the junction of Batter Lane. After Gt. Gt. Granddad died his wife remarried age 72, to a Mr. Leadbeater of the old weavers cottages at the top of Batter Lane . So I then found her in the Graveyard at Rawdon St. Peters as Mrs. Leadbeater.
24 March 2018

Graham Branston
The street name in my previous comment should read Chapel Street not Chapel Lane. Apologies for not checking

Maureen Jenkinson
Harrogate Road Methodist Church as shown in the above photographs was closed in September 1971 and not 1974. My Husband and I were the last couple to get married there. We got married on Friday 24th September and the last services were held on Sunday 26th September.
19 July 2018

Keith A.Jenkinson
The chapel closed on 26th September 1971. I got married there on 24th September 1971
22 August 2017

Val Ryan (Hoare)
As a child in 1950s, I remember this large building which I always found to be very dark and foreboding like the other chapel in Micklefield Lane, older family members always referred to it as “the Prims”. My grandmother’s very large family Towers/Long (Yeadon) nearly all worked at Murgatroyd’s and attended the Methodist Church next to Yeadon Town Hall. This too I always found to be huge and bare and a bit scary when I was a child.
22 August 2017

John Eastwood
Mum and Dad were live in caretakers and Sunday school teachers there in the 1950s. I was born there.
22 August 2017

Anne Whittaker
My uncle John Drake was caretaker there in the 50s and Connie his daughter was in the choir, she was a good singer. Happy memories
23 August 2017

Anne Whittaker
I attended Greenhill Methodist church in Rawdon and was the last person to get married there in 1962. Happy times there a very social church as churches were in those days. Life revolved round the churches.
23 August 2017

jean dean
I went to the Sunday School there in the 1940’s in the smaller building at the top, and we only went into the big chapel on special occasions. Apart from religion we had concerts, jumble sales and bring and buy sales, I used to go with my mother and grandmother. Also we had the annual summer trip to Bolton Abbey, in a coach, it seemed to take a long time as the coach went very slowly. The street on the right hand side was Chapel Street, and the guy in the top house was called Dave Greenwood and he used to cut boys and men’s hair in his kitchen, I think that it was called the basin cut, my brothers used to go reluctantly.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 23 January 2021.
Last updated: 03 November 2023 – Phot ID: H704. 26 September 2022 – All images updated.

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