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Aireborough Historical Society

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Subscriber / Registration Notes

If you would like to comment on a page – to do that you need to be a subscriber. To Subscribe – you will need to create yourself a username and enter your email address and a few other details. On approval the system will then create you a password and email that to you.

N.B. – it is not necessary to register to view this site, you need to be a subscriber to comment.

Below are some screenshots to help you register.

Your Username cannot be changed without being deleted – choose wisely – if you comment it will be visible to others!

All comments will be reviewed and approved (or not) before they become live.

To subscribe please go to Subscribe

If you need any help logging in to the website once you have received your password please return to this page.

When you see this screen – you are not finished – you need to go to your emails and confirm your email by clicking the link and then go to the login page.


Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. It will look like this: The user name you created. To set your password click the long blue url – if you do not receive this check any spam or junk folders.

This is where you need to record your password – Notepad is a good place to do that on Windows computer.

Login This is where you actually login as opposed to register.

Here on the profile page you can add any additional details.

If you see your User Name in the top right corner you are logged in and able to comment. on pages. Comments will only be published after a review by the administrator.

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