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Manor Mill 1862 – 1981 (6)

Manor Mill-James Ives 1950s

Title Manor Mill – James Ives & Co.
Date 1950s
Location Yeadon
Photo ID M140
Comment See below …

Five women workers at a bank of auto winding machines.
It is not known if this was at Leafield or Manor Mills.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1950s

M141 – Manor Mill, 1950s.

Manor Mill – 1950s

Automatic looms in one of the mills, it is not noted if this was Leafield or Manor Mill.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1950s

M142 – Manor Mill, 1950s.

Manor Mill – 1950s

Tentering machine in one of the mills, either Leafield or Manor Mills.
Cloth was spread on the tentering machine to dry it, it would be stretched to prevent shrinkage.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1952

FB078 – Manor Mill, 1952.

Manor Mill – 1952

This could be Manor Mill or Leafield Mill, both owned by James Ives & Co.
The mill girls are working in the Spinning Shed.
The girl at the front is Muriel Downs.

Donated by Rachel Glynn.

Manor Mill-James Ives Undated

B376 – Manor Mill, Undated.

Manor Mill – Undated

A staff photo, a retirement presentation perhaps.

Donated by Linda Smithson.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1960s

L221 – Manor Mill, 1960s.

Manor Mill – 1960s

Manor Mill is seen here looking across Manor Road?

Photographer Charles Lideard, donated by his daughter Christine Hogg.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1979

A187 – Manor Mill, 1979.

Manor Mill – 1979

Manor Mill was situated at the junction of Kirk Lane and Haworth Lane (formerly Manor Road), built in 1882 as a company mill.

In 1865 the first power looms were installed by E&T Bolton.

James Ives leased the company from 1865-1884, his company bought the mill outright in 1911.

The mill closed in 1980 and was demolished the following year.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1979

A193 – Manor Mill, 1979.

Manor Mill – 1979

Looking across to Manor Mill from Otley Lane.

James Ives was born in 1829 and lost his parents when aged eight.

He was reared by his uncle Jonathan Ives, they lived at Mount Pleasant, Guiseley. His first job was possibly at Upper Mill in Guiseley, moving on to share premises at Guiseley Old Mill, Gyllroyd.

He transferred to Manor Mill in 1865, by then a successful man.

In 1884 he retired and his descendants continued to run the company until the mill closed in 1980.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1979

A188 – Manor Mill, 1979.

Manor Mill – 1979

Manor Mill, seen from the bottom of the Steep (Town Street).

This view of the mill shows the shop with latticed bow windows, it was formerly the care-takers house. Moving onto the Steep, the first shop is Home Electrics which is still in business at this location, next right is the Sports Bag.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1980

A241 – Manor Mill, 1980.

Manor Mill – 1980

Manor Mill was owned by James Ives & Co., it was demolished in 1980.

This is the yard which was to the left of the entrance.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1980

A245 – Manor Mill, 1980.

Manor Mill – 1980

Photo taken prior to the demolition of Manor Mill, this is described as “Odd shaped building jutting onto Queensway”

Perhaps it was built for a specific purpose?

The roof appears to be constructed of glass panels to let in maximum light.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1980

A243 – Manor Mill, 1980.

Manor Mill – 1980

This was the oldest part of Manor Mill, a four storey block, the buttress houses a circular stone staircase.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1980

A249 – Manor Mill, 1980.

Manor Mill – 1980

This four storey building was the oldest part of the mill.

A loading bay with hoist can be seen which remained in use until the mill closed and was demolished in 1980.

The buttress to the right of the loading bay housed a circular stone staircase.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1980

G445 – Manor Mill, 1980.

Manor Mill – 1980

Amongst the remaining parts of the mill buildings new construction appears to be taking place.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1980

A248 – Manor Mill, 1980.

Manor Mill – 1980

The shop on the left was once the caretakers house.

When the mill was powered by steam the engine was housed in the building behind the archway, the engine was nick-named “Kate”.

This view is at the junction of Kirk Lane in the foreground and Haworth Lane going off to the right.

Previous Comments:

Re M140
Comment from John Hopkinson of Yeadon.
My sister, Sheila, worked as a beamer at Ives when she was sixteen.
This is a row of looms, where the warp threads, assembled to cloth width, usually 54 inches, on the beam, and about a hundred yards long, pictured with the threads coming up into the loom – black circles with white threads left front, and darker, right front, was the input into the loom, where the weft is inserted, thread by thread across the warp.
These looms are almost to the end of the warp threads on the beam, running low.
The weft was woven into a narrow stripe on each edge, called the selvedge,
The stenter places needles into the selvedge, and stretches it out to the preset cloth width of the finished fabric.
As a sixteen year old male, accompanying Sheila into the mill was hazardous,
as the young girls would mob a single guy, initiating him into mill life.
33 Gill Lane, Yeadon.

Re FB078
This was the ring spinning shed, I worked in the mule spinning shed which was much bigger to accomodate the Mules which were very long and wide.
25 June 2013.

Re A188
The lattice windows on the mill building were the fent shop (Mill shop) windows in the 50’s and early 60’s. The shop was open for the sale of cloth fents(roll ends,Damaged cloth) etc.
Before the Home electrics store moved in, the end building was occupied for many years by Jesse Stephenson & Sons Grocers. The middle shop was occupied by Jack Ellison and his family, who ran a successful Green Grocery Business. The Gable end building in the fore ground was for many years occupied by Ben Gray and sons Family Butchers.
Two Haworth lanes can be seen on this photo, the new one with the sign post running from Kirk Lane alongside the mill and the old one with the car parked on it next to Home electrics.
18 May 2013.

Re A249
Comment from Gerald Long (President AHS 2013)
The photo of Manor Mills with the old four storey building shown had a hoist on which my mothers youngest sister was killed.
She had taken her father’s dinner, who was a spinner there, and somehow the lift came down and she lost her life.
She was 12 years old.
Thought you would like to know this.
Also on the photo of the bottom yard of Manor Mills, the building part shown on the left was the mill shop before the new shop was built fronting onto Kirk Lane.

Re A249
The top Photo of the Mill Gates is very familiar to me as I lived opposite them in Manor Square for 21 Years.
Re A248
The large window across the yard from the entrance looked into the engine room. I used to set off for school (AGS) five minutes early so I could watch the engine working.
18 May 2013.

Loved Manor Mill I used to go there on a Saturday morning they sold amazingly cheap remnants of cloth and I would go home and run up a mini skirt in the 60s on my sewing machine and wear to the the Saturday night dance at the Town Hall or Rawdon Drill Hall! Happy Days.
28 February 2017.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 17 November 2021.
Last updated: 11 March 2024 – Text corrections. 13 January 2023 – All images reviewed.

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