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Manor Mill 1862 – 1981 (7)

Manor Mill-James Ives 1980

Title Manor Mill – James Ives & Co.
Date 1980
Location Yeadon
Photo ID T312
Comment Demolition of the mill, signs warn of “Danger No Parking”
Manor Mill-James Ives 1980

T313 – Manor Mill – 1980.

Manor Mill – 1980

As above.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1981

X347 – Manor Mill – 1981.

Manor Mill – 1981

The mill was being demolished, the lattice windows belonged to the mill shop.

Photographer Dennis Court.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1981

X348 – Manor Mill – 1981.

Manor Mill – 1981

Looking across a rubble strewn area to the remains of the mill. Photographer Dennis Court

Manor Mill-James Ives 1981

A388 – Manor Mill – 1981.

Manor Mill – 1981

View from Kirk Lane across to Manor Mill which is in derelict condition prior to total demolition.
The mill dam was to the left in this view.
Houses were built on the site.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1981

A391 – Manor Mill – 1981.

Manor Mill – 1981

As above.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1981

A385 – Manor Mill – 1981.

Manor Mill – 1981

Full view of Manor Mill dam seen from Kirk Lane.
On the left is Walkers Row with derelict mill buildings on the right.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1981

A386 – Manor Mill – 1981.

Manor Mill – 1981

This view looks across the mill dam to Kirk Lane, autumn leaves float on the water with a reflection of the “For Sale ” in the bottom right corner.

Manor Mill-James Ives 1981

A387 – Manor Mill – 1981.

Manor Mill – 1981

Looking over the mill dam to Kirk Lane.
The large building with the parked cars is a DIY store, at this time it was called “Texas” it is now a Sainsbury’s Homebase store.(January 2013)

Manor Mill-James Ives 1981

FBA131 – Manor Mill – 1981.

Manor Mill – 1981

Sketch of Manor Mill by Sam Kilburn, drawn before the mill was demolished in 1981.

Manor Mill-James Ives 2017

B752 – Manor Mill – 2017.

Manor Mill – 2017

The donor of this artefact, Joan Wilkinson, told us her Godfather Peter Jibson worked in the offices at the mill for many years.
When the mill closed he was asked if there was anything he would like as a keepsake, he decided on this brass plaque which had been mounted on the engine called “Kate”, it used to be visible from the street when passing the mill.
He had it mounted and it hung in his home for the next 30 years.
Peter died in 1989, his wife Marie passed away recently.
Joan adds that the time is right to pass this precious relic into the safe keeping of the AHS.

Manor Mill 2017

B753 – Manor Mill – 2017.

Manor Mill – 2017

As above.

Manor Mill garment motif 2023

X736 – Manor Mill Label – 2023.

Manor Mill – 2023

On 14 Mar 23, the AHS, received an enquiry from Mr Philip Wilde of the on behalf of a Mr Wayne Lewis, New Quay, requesting any information regarding the identity of a label found on an apron, which was marked; Yeadon, Write, Manor, Leeds. Our archives held no such information regarding the label but it was believed to be connected to Manor Mill, Yeadon, and it was subsequently posted on our facebook pages. Below are some of the many responses received:

John Holliday – Our late mam was a sewing machinist making baby blankets at Manor mills.

Carol Booth – It comes from Manor Mills, which later became Dragons Health Club. When I was a child our family had blankets from there. If you visit Armley Mills Industrial Museum there is lots of stuff there from Manor Mills, for example large wheeled baskets with the name stencilled on.

Derek Oxley – The Ronam shop.

Lynne Moxon – Manor spelt backwards. As children my sister & I were taken there to get new winter coats from the Ronam shop. They were the Reps samples from the previous winter being sold off.

Jean Walker – I have a blanket with that label on. I was told it was a play on the word ‘manor’, as in lord of the manor but I don’t know if that’s correct. My dad worked at the Manor and it was given to him when I was born.

Martin Nicholson – If memory serves me right, it was on the corner of a blanket, my grand parents had one.

On 25 March 2023, we again posted on our facebook pages asking if anyone knew why the word ‘write’ appeared on the label. Brian Firth and Jean Dean responded in the same vain with their explanation being that – “At the time the label was designed you couldn’t put Email, Fax or even Phone as very few people had phones. They certainly didn’t have a Facebook page. Therefore, the best way to contact the retail shop was to ‘write’ to the Manor.”

AHS – Our thanks to everyone who responded in identifying the label as being from Manor Mill, Yeadon and to the explanation of why the word ‘Write’ was incorporated onto the label.

Manor Mill Apron 2023

X735 – Manor Mill Apron – 2023.

Manor Mill – 2023

A Manor Mill label attached to an apron, the Yeadon mill produced woollen cloth, remnants were sold in the mill shop. The shop was housed in what had been the caretakers house at the front of the building, it was distinctive with bow fronted lattice windows and named “Ronam”, a play on the word manor.
Baby blankets were sold in the shop with these labels on them and children’s winter coats which were samples from the previous year.
It is likely the labels were also on bolts of cloth.

The owner of the apron Mr & Mrs Wayne Lewis has since donated the apron to the AHS Archives and a transcript of a letter accompanying the item, is below:


Following some recent emails with help at Leeds Central Library, please find enclosed a pinny labelled ‘Write, Manor, Yeadon, Leeds.
My wife has had this for many years (her grandmother is from Otley) and has often wandered about its origin. If ever you unearth why it was as a pinny, we’d be happy to hear from you.
Anyway, we hope the pinny adds to your collection of artifacts related to the mill. Good to see it going ‘home’.


Wayne Lewis
New Quay, Ceredigion.


Ed: In the words of Carlo Harrison, AHS, ‘All History Matters’ – It does and this is a fine example of local history being identified. JB. 23 March 2023.

<< Page 6

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 17 November 2021.
Last updated: 11 March 2024 – Text corrections. 25 March 2023 – Photo ID: X736 Text. 23 March 2023 – Photo ID: X735 & X736. 13 January 2023 – All images reviewed.

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