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Parish Newsagents

Parish Newsagents
Title Parish Newsagents
Date Undated
Location Yeadon
Photo ID FB252
Comment See below …

The newsagents and petrol station which was situated on a corner plot set back from the junction of Bayton Lane and Harrogate Road.
Charles Parish is on the right at the back of the group, the man next to him was a relative.
In front from left to right were: another relative Sara Parish (she began the business) a visitor Sara’s mother Harriet Hawes, Eric Parish and another visitor. Image Donated by Peter Parish.

Aerial View of Parish Newsagents at the Fountain c1932

U680 – Parish Newsagents, c1932.

Parish Newsagents – c1932

Harrogate Road runs from top to bottom through the centre of the view with Bayton Lane to the left and Yeadon High Street on the right. The building at the corner with Bayton Lane was erected by Sarah and Charlie Parish who were the grandparents of Peter Parish who donated the photo. It was a newsagents and general grocery store with petrol pumps to the side of the shop, an approaching car appears to be turning into the pumps. In the bottom right corner part of the roof of William Murgatroyd’s Moorfield Mill can be seen.

Editor’s Note: This junction was locally known by locals and bus companies as the ‘Fountain’, due to there having been a large ornate drinking fountain had been sited in the 1900s through to WWII. Behind the house with the two chimneys, which still stands today, is a now long gone Yeadon reservoir. New build housing completely covers the area. A high wall runs adjacent to the reservoir and Just further along the road just out of view was a bus stop which if you were on the top deck of a bus you could see over the wall. Ed. JB. 29 December 2023.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 01 December 2021.
Last updated: 29 December 2023 – Photo ID: U680. 13 January 2023 – Image updated.

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