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Ivegate (1)

Ivegate 1900
Title Ivegate
Date 1900
Location Yeadon
Photo ID SL007
Comment An early image of Ivegate taken by E. E. Slater. To the left is Sandy Old Way (now called Sandy Way, the “Old” having been dropped) a hanging sign for the Wagon and Horses Inn can be seen. The building facing down Ivegate is the Cricketers Arms which was closed in 1937, this area is now a car park.
Ivegate 1900

G309 – Ivegate, 1900.

Ivegate – 1900

On the left is Sandy Way, the hanging sign is outside the Waggon and Horses hotel. To the right, facing down Ivegate is the Cricketers Arms which closed in 1937.

Ivegate 1907

B030 – Ivegate, 1907.

Ivegate – 1907

On the left edge is a window belonging to White’s newsagents and stationers shop, next, Ina Houlden watchmaker and jeweller. W T Moore has a herbalists business at the premises on the High Street.

On the left edge are boards which belonged to painter and decorator Frederick J White. Just beyond the boards a car seems to be causing a problem as two men peer into the engine.

Ivegate 1912

T41 – Ivegate, 1912.

Ivegate – 1912

View of Ivegate with Sandy Way on the left, the wall at the left edge is to the garden of Willow Cottage, once the home of William Kenion, a Wesleyan Methodist. In 1852, a schism in the Wesleyan Methodist Church brought great dissension to the Yeadon congregation, leaflets had been published demanding reform which Kenion had read to his Bible Class, as a result he was expelled from the church and instead held meetings at Willow Cottage.
The reformers grew in number, they paid Kenion £100 for a site at the top of the High Street and built the “New Wesleyan Reform Chapel”.

This eventually proved to be too small to accommodate a swelling number of worshippers, Queen Street Chapel was erected to replace it, the High Street Chapel being used as a Sunday School and Lecture Hall until it was demolished in September 1973.

On the right of Sandy Way a hanging sign is outside the Waggon and Horses Inn, in the distance is the Church Institute.

On Ivegate the building in the centre is the Cricketers Arms, the site is now a car park (November 2013).

Ivegate 1912

B379 – Ivegate, c1912.

Ivegate – c1912

Ivegate at the junction with Henshaw Lane and Harper Lane (to the left). This part of Ivegate was once known as Temple Bar, the shop on the left had been a barbers run by Dave Hanson, there is an advertisement above the door for “Wood Milne Revolving Heels”.
A wagonette from Midgeley’s stables on Yeadon High Street is making it’s way down Henshaw Lane to Apperley Bridge Railway Station.
On the right is the Commercial Inn, now the site of the Tarn Hotel (August 2012), it has signs for John Smith’s Tadcaster Ales, Spirits, Billiards, Good Stabling, Accommodation and Teas.

Ivegate 1912

B161 – Ivegate, c1912.

Ivegate – c1912

The man on the left with the shovel in his hand has a cart full of rubble. Moving right, Devonshire House has a hardware business on the ground floor, this property was demolished in 1979.
The cart towards the right belonged to a milkman, a man is sitting on one of the churns. At that time milk was not delivered in bottles but measured out of the churn for each customer.
The man on the right is standing outside a painter and decorators shop belonging to Fred James, the premises are now used by an insurance broker.

U988 – An undated newspaper entry titled ‘Memory Lane’ with a photo (copy of B161) of Ivegate & a description of the scene.

Memory Lane
This week we visit the Yeadon of 1910, courtesy Mr Doug Downs of Manor Close. The picture,taken down Ivegate, captures the everyday life of the town as it used to be.

Mr Downes writes: ” On the right, outside the shop belonging to Umbrella Lee, the man standing on the steps, stands a collection of wash-day utensils, most of which have thankfully passed into history.
“In the street, wearing the apron, stands the local Clogger, and behind him, a milk float with its large churn from which gills or pints of milk would be ladled straight into the customer’s jug.
“The gentleman opposite with his cart laden with wood is, I believe, Mr W Rollington, who was afirewood dealer and owned premises on Ivegate.
“At the back is Devonshire House, owned by Gladstone Flesher, an ironmonger – note the hay rakes displayed outside – and next to him is Hardman’s Chemist shop.
“Behind the man leaning on the wall is Donnie Wjite’s paper shop.”

Donated by Shirley Brook.

Ivegate c1912

A066 – Ivegate, c1912.

Ivegate – c1912

Ivegate prior to 1913. Sandy Way is to the left, a sign for the Waggon and Horses public house can be seen, it was closed in 1913. In the distance on Ivegate part of the Cricketers Arms public house is visible, a car park is now on this site. To the right is a man with a hand cart, a ladder next to him is marked “Guiseley”.

Ivegate c1912

A068 – Ivegate, c1912.

Ivegate – c1912

On the left the wall and gable end of Willow Cottage can be seen. This is a Grade II, listed building built around 1750,  a Bed and Breakfast business is operated there now. Next, SandyWay, a sign for the Waggon and Horses can be seen, this public house was closed in 1913. Looking along Ivegate  the Cricketer’s Arms is facing the camera, another public house. It was demolished and a car park is on the site.

Ivegate 1912

B248 – Ivegate, 1913.

Wagon & Horses, Sandy Way, Ivegate – 1913

This public house was on Sandy Way, it was advertised for sale in the Wharfedale newspaper November 26th 1886.
The old beer house the Waggon and Horses Inn, Sandy Old Way was offered for sale by auction along with the adjoining brewhouse.
The buyer was Mr Brown, brewer, the price being £460.
In 1904 Eliza Freeman was the landlady, it was closed on December 22nd 1913. During the 1914-1918 war it became home to a group of Belgian refugees.
It was bought by Aireborough Urban District Council in 1937 and demolished.
In this view “Cooper Wilkinson” is displayed on the wall, “Bass” beer is advertised on the window, a poster for the Leeds Grand Theatre promotes a production of “Trilby”, a play based on the popular novel by George Du Maurier, grandfather of writer Daphne Du Maurier.

Ivegate 1913

B065 – Ivegate, 1913.

Ivegate – 1913

Mr and Mrs Long Marshall in their shop doorway at 1 Ivegate, this is at the junction with the Steep (Town Street).

The left window displays sweets and small toys, the right window is well filled with an assortment of goods ranging from paint brushes to cricket bats.

Mr Marshall was President of the Yeadon, Guiseley and District Trade Union, in 1897 he was sacked by Edward Denison of Westfield Mill because of his Union activities, he was also blacklisted by other local employers.

He opened the Ivegate shop with savings and a loan from the Trade Union.

He retained his Trade Union membership and support for Union activities all his life. The shop is now the “Great Outdoors”.

Ivegate Undated

A140 – Ivegate, Undated.

Ivegate – Undated

This shop was situated in the part of Ivegate known as Temple Bar, it was towards the junction with Harper and Henshaw Lanes.

Mrs Flesher is in the shop doorway with a tape measure round her neck, there is also a young woman and three small children.

The shop window has a display of hats and ladies wear.

Ivegate 1948

A067 – Ivegate, 1938.

Ivegate – 1938

Demolition is taking place on Ivegate, shop premises are being stripped out. Kettleys furniture shop now stands on part of this site, grass banking and steps occupy the rest. The Cricketer’s Arms is facing the camera, this public house closed in 1937 and was pulled down and replaced by a car park. Sandy Way is on the left.

Ivegate 1955

G027 – Ivegate, 1955.

Ivegate – 1955

On the left is Chippindales shoe shop, it was a family business which developed from clog making. They had a factory in Guiseley and a shop there which was open until the 1990s. Next, the chemist’s shop is Timothy Whites and Taylors, then the entrance to Devonshire Place.
A delivery lorry is parked on the right, a Samuel Ledgard’s bus is approaching. This was one of 6 Leyland Tiger TS7 models, new in 1936.
They were based at the Moorfield depot, 5 of the 6 ran the Horsforth to Otley route, the last was withdrawn in 1957.
Ivegate is a one-way street nowadays, vehicles now go in the opposite direction to the ones seen here.

Ivegate 1960s

FBA187 – Ivegate, 1960s.

Ivegate – 1960s

Looking down Ivegate from the bottom of the High Street, a double decker bus is approaching, this was before a one-way traffic system was initiated.
On the left is Hinchcliffe’s with a variety of shops on the right.

Ivegate 1960s

FF199 – Ivegate, c1960s.

Ivegate – c1960s

On the left is the silhouette of the Old Dog Mill, when the photo was taken Ivegate had two-way traffic. The property behind the red West Yorkshire Road Car Co. bus has been demolished, the bus was going to Bradford. Kettley’s furniture store and car park now occupy most of this site (February 2013).

Ivegate 1960s

N476 – Ivegate, 1960s.

Ivegate – 1960s

The small building is Bradley’s wet fish shop, it was demolished in 1975, the site is now part of a car park.

Ivegate 1960s

U162 – Ivegate, c1960s.

Ivegate – c1960s

Looking across from the car park on Ivegate, behind the telegraph pole is the old Dog Mill. The gable end of the building on the left is Bradley’s wet fish shop. To the right is the bottom of the Steep (Town Street) and the Temperance Hall, mill chimneys on Kirk Lane.

Ivegate 1960s

L196 – Ivegate, 1960s.

Ivegate – 1960s

Looking across Ivegate to Devonshire Square, to the left are properties which front onto the High Street, the side of the Town Hall can be seen on the right. This area is now a car park (July 2015). Photographer Charles Lideard, donated by his daughter Christine Hogg.

Ivegate 1960s

L262 – Ivegate, 1960s.

Ivegate – 1960s

On the left is Willow Cottage with a lamp on the wall (possibly a doctor’s surgery?), in front is the junction with Sandy Way – the section of bent railing is evident in other photos of Ivegate. Looking down, the side view of the Tut & Shive (formerly the Robin Hood) can be seen with a wagon parked outside.
Behind is the Temperance Hall with Manor Mill and chimney dominating the right side of the photo. Photographer Charles Lideard, donated by his daughter Christine Hogg.

Ivegate Undated

DD042 – Ivegate, Undated.

Ivegate – Undated

Premises which were used as a rag sorting shed, formerly R & I M Rawlinson Greengrocers and J Gill, Bookmakers.

Ivegate 1979

AA112 – Ivegate, 1979.

Ivegate – 1979

On the left are the back and side of a property called Dixon House, this fronts onto Ivegate as a shop trading as Rivoli Pizza (June 2013). It was formerly part of the Dixon Mill complex which encompassed property on Town Street (Steep), much later (1900s) it was a newsagents business run by the White family.

Sydney Howard, the comedian, married Dora White who lived there with her parents, sister Chrissie (Cristobel) and brother Donald, when Sydney and Dora visited Yeadon they would stay here, their daughter Wendy lived with her White Grandparents from a young age while her father was appearing in shows around the country, filming or traveling.

The steps and planting were part of a landscaping project by Aireborough Civic Society and are next to a car park (on the right), the steps lead to the rear of property on Town Street (Steep).
In the background the side of Yeadon Town Hall can be seen, the former Primitive Methodist Chapel still stands and is now used as offices (June 2013).


AA113 – Ivegate, 1979.

Ivegate – 1979

Close-up view of the steps and planting to the side of Dixon House (Rivoli Pizza) on Ivegate. Aireborough Civic Society were responsible for this landscaping project.

Previous Comments:

Re T41
In the late 40’s my wife’s sister Nancy Leonard (nee Hardy) lived in willow cottage and my nephew Daniel Leonard was born there but they emigrated to Australia in the 50’s and now live in New Zealand.
The shop on the left was Shaw Fleshers then two houses and then Charlie Stuart’s barber shop. On the right the two shops were Archie Marshall’s Fruit shop and then Archie Marshall’s fish shop then a sweet shop and then Harry Shuttleworth’s Butchers then Copper hill followed by Nancy Fletcher’s clothes shop.
25 June 2013.

Re B379
As a Child I used to be sent by my Grandma with a jug to buy stout from the back door out sales of the Commercial
25 June 2013

Re FF199
The bottom picture is the top of what was Well Lane, and these properties were pulled down and the road was widened to make the new road to connect with Harper Terrace, the property to the right is Willow Cottage and then Kettley’s. The Old Sandy Way has been blocked off, this was the old bus route.
05 September 2014.

Re FF199
Picture with the old dog mill in the background and Willow cottage to the right used to be a row of shops opposite Varley’s fold and Temple bar, then there was Sandy way then the shops of “Shaw Flesher” and Barbers Charlie Stuarts then a house occupied by Machel’s these are now all ‘Kettley’s’ Then there was the “Cricketers arms” pub, behind which was a terrace of houses which were demolished and turned into the car park which is still there. I remember it well from the thirties as I used to run around with my friends in these streets before the demolition and when I lived in Varley’s Fold.
14 December 2016.

Re G027
The last shop on the left with all the boxes out front was The Handyman’s Stores established by my wife’s father Fred Binns.
02 January 2014.

Re B248
Eliza Freeman, formerly Eliza Lee, was my paternal Grand Aunt.
18 May 2013.

Cooper Wilkinson had a shop at the top of Well Hill in the 30’s and then moved to a shop Halfway down Henshaw Lane which was later owned by Big Joe Long of Town Hall Pantomime Fame and father of Michael Long who was in my class at school.
27 June 2013.

Re A140
Presumably this was Nancy Flesher’s Mother as this is the same shop that I remember as Nancy Fleshers, it was actually at the bottom of Copper hill between Copper hill and Clayton’s yard .
25 June 2013.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 24 May 2021.
Last updated: 25 July 2023 – Photo ID: A067, A066 & A068. 21 December 2022 – All images updated. 07 November 2021 – Photo ID: B248, A140 & B065. 30 July 2021 – Photo ID: U162.

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