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Temperance Hall (1)

Temperance Hall first sod 1901
Title Temperance Hall
Date 1901
Location Yeadon
Photo ID A047
Comment Mr S Battye is seen about to cut the first sod of earth for the foundations.
Temperance Hall first sod cut 1901

K939 – Temperance Hall, 1901.

Temperance Hall – 1901

Land on the Green was bought for the Hall in 1901. Mr S Battye is seen cutting the first sod of earth for the foundations. The Hall opened in March 1905.

This ceremony marked the beginning of Yeadon Temperance Hall. The man with the spade cutting the first sod of grass was Samuel Battye, an engineer at Moorfield Mill. To his right, wearing a bowler hat is John Driver a local preacher and shopkeeper, he had a footwear business on Ivegate. Further to the right wearing a trilby hat is William Flesher, a local builder and quarry owner who was given the contract to erect the hall. Property at the bottom of the Steep/Sandy Way area is in the background with the Robin Hood public house on the right.

Temperance Hall 1905

A045 – Temperance Hall, 1905.

Temperance Hall – 1905

Front view of the Temperance Hall with assembled dignitaries, this was in March 1905. The opening ceremony was performed by Robert Armitage, Lord Mayor of Leeds and Liberal MP for Central Leeds. He is in the middle of the group wearing his chains of office.

This event was attended by 3,000 people. In May of that year all the workmen and businesses involved in the construction of the hall were given a supper as a gesture of thanks for all their work.

Temperance Hall 1905

B261 – Temperance Hall, 1905.

Temperance Hall – 1905

The Temperance Hall is situated at the top of Kirk Lane.
In this view a horse-drawn cart with passengers is outside the Hall.

Temperance Hall c1905

L562 – Temperance Hall, c1905.

Temperance Hall – c1905

An image of the Temperance Hall, sadly showing signs of degradation on the glass plate it was taken on.

Temperance Hall 1910

X157 – Temperance Hall, 1910.

Temperance Hall – 1910

An early view of the Temperance Hall, windows on the left are curtained.

Temperance Hall 1910

F201 – Temperance Hall, 1910.

Temperance Hall – 1910

People gathered outside the Temperance Hall, perhaps for an outing, there is a charabanc on the right.
Photographer E. E. Slater.

Temperance Hall c1930s

FBA118 – Temperance Hall, c1930s.

Temperance Hall – c1930s

This image was submitted by Lynne Saunders, the man is her father George Taylor who, with her grandfather James Taylor ran the cinema.
A triple bill is advertised, all X films. Bela Lugosi starring in “The Return of the Vampire” which was released in 1944, Boris Karloff in “The Black Room” released in 1935 and “Birth Without Fear”.

Temperance Hall c1970s

N252 – Temperance Hall, c1970s.

Temperance Hall – c1970s

The Temperance Hall is on the left, a corner of Manor Mill is on the right, Kirk Lane runs between the two. The photo taken before 1980, when Manor Mill was demolished.

Temperance Hall 1979

A043 – Temperance Hall, 1979.

Temperance Hall – 1979

In the foreground the waste ground has been created by the demolition of houses on Manor Road.

Manor Mill would have been just to the right of this view, this is at the top of Kirk Lane.

To the left of the Temperance Hall the edge of the Robin Hood public house can be seen, now renamed the Tut and Shive.

Behind are flats on Well Hill.

Yeadon Temperance Society began in 1840, a Band of Hope was formed in 1847. Many members were reluctant to pledge total abstinence, instead opted for partial or short-term abstinence.

Open air meetings were held on the Green until this site was found, ironically next to the pub!

It was bought for £500, the building costs were £2,000.

It opened in 1905, from about 1912 silent films were shown here, it continued with film shows as well as pantomimes and concerts.

The pantomimes were performed under the auspices of Donald White, brother-in-law of comedian Sydney Howard.

It became the Gem bingo hall and is now called Regency House, the base for a dance studio and a beauty college.

The building adjacent on the right has a sign “Kaye and co”. Next right Westfield and Kirk Lane Mills can be seen.

Temperance Hall 1989

FF209 – Temperance Hall, 1989.

Temperance Hall – 1989

Looking in the direction of Kirk Lane to a side view of the Temperance Hall, the road on the right leading to Kirk Lane is Well Lane.

The sign post on the left points to the Old Dog Mill and ponds.

The chimney on the horizon belongs to Scott and Rhodes, Banksfield Mill. On Kirk Lane opposite Well Lane is an apartment block, more apartments were created in the old Church Institute which is the taller stone building on the right.
On the right side of Well Lane is a rear view of the Tut and Shive Inn (formerly known as the Robin Hood Inn), the red car is parked outside garages to the back of Wells Court.

Temperance Hall 1989

FF211 – Temperance Hall, 1989.

Temperance Hall – 1989

The Temperance Hall for sale in 1989.

Temperance Hall 2014

K210 – Temperance Hall, 2014.

Temperance Hall – 2014

The rear view of the Hall, to the left is Kirk Lane and to the right is the bottom of the Steep (Town Street) seen from Miry Lane.

Temperance Hall 2014

K211 – Temperance Hall, 1989.

Temperance Hall – 1989

Shows the back end wall of the Temperance Hall again seen from Miry Lane, the single storey building in front belong to Steel’s Funeral Services.

Temperance Hall 2014

N250 – Temperance Hall, 2014.

Temperance Hall – 2014

Once the focus of the sober of Yeadon, the old Temperance Hall is now addressed as Regency House and home to several enterprises including a dance academy, Yorkshire College of Beauty and a pizza outlet.

Temperance Hall 2014

N251 – Temperance Hall, 2014.

Temperance Hall – 2014

As above.

Temperance Hall 2015

I215 – Temperance Hall, 2015.

Temperance Hall – 2015

The old Temperance Hall is now addressed as Regency House (June 2016) and is occupied by various businesses including Peace Dance Academy and the Yorkshire College of Beauty.
To the left is Well Lane, the side of the building faces onto Kirk Lane.

Photographer John Arundel.

Temperance Hall 2015

U206 – Temperance Hall, 2015.

Temperance Hall – 2015

Looking across from Kirk Lane to the old Temperance Hall, now addressed as Regency House (June 2016).

Previous Comments:

In 1953, my brother and I attended the Temperance Hall Sunday School on Sunday afternoons. We were given one old penny each for the collection box.
I can remember gaining attendance prizes for two or three years and best of all we got a summer coach trip to Long Ashes, where we had a picnic lunch provided by the Sunday School. The chap who organized it all was known as Mr Jackson.
The Cinema above was our local “flea pit” as we irreverently termed it, where we would watch all the Saturday Matinee stuff.
Our brightest day was when our older sister got a Job as an Ice Cream Lady. As soon as we saw her come to the front of the aisle with her tray we would scamper down to the front and join the queue, whether we had any money or not, we knew she would not refuse us, and usually would by us a lolly each.
In those days a chap called George Taylor was the manager, and his son Young George was the projectionist and boiler man.
29 May 2013.

I also went to the Temperance Hall Sunday school but that was in the 30’s and I can remember David Pearson telling us about the evils of strong drink and how we could sign the pledge. He was the father of Edna Pearson and Grandfather David Pearson (junior ) who later became a DJ, and must now be about 60 yr old.
27 June 2013.

It’s nice to find this information about my grandfather.
I found this site by chance on the eve of my late mothers (Edna Pearson) birthday.
You are correct that I became a DJ, infact I changed my name from David Pearson to Dave Silver and was three times national UK, DJ of the year before working on Radio Aire.
After that I became a tour manager for a number of bands before moving to Spain.
I have many fond memories of Rawdon including the youth club, fishing on Yeadon Dam, and of course Saturday mornings at the Flea Pit.
I now have a different life in the South of England but you were wrong with my age I’m still 16.
It’s nice to see that our heritage is not forgotten.
24 February 2014.

Hi this is a message for David Pearson. (Silver)
Please can you check out the Old Yeadon Memories Facebook site as some of your Banksfield Football Team are looking for you!
30 January 2017.

Richard Braithwaite
You’ve not mentioned working at the East coast of Yorkshire. I hope the days find you well Dave.
11 July 2020.

Steve Micklethwaite
I remember the days at Ollies later Peppers night club, Dave was a really good DJ, that was mid seventies.
18 October 2021.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 21 June 2021.
Last updated: 12 December 2023 – Photo ID: L562. 25 July 2023 – Photo ID: A047. 08 January 2023 – All images updated. 19 October 2021 – Photo ID: B262, X157 & N252.

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