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Wood Hut

Wood Hut c1902
Title Wood Hut
Date c1902
Location Yeadon
Photo ID J073
Comment This undated photo donated by Jean Walker, is thought to be of the Wood Hut which stood on Albert Square, opposite the old Queen Street Chapel. For many years it was a sweet shop, as well as selling fishing permits for the Dam (Tarn) could also be obtained there. A small stone built shop now stands on the site which is currently a food outlet. (2015)

Editor’s Note:

Although undated, I judge this photo to have been taken between 1902 – 1905. I base my judgement on the fact that the Fry’s ‘Five Boys’ milk chocolate bar was first introduced in 1902. Previously, the bar had been made in dark chocolate during the 1860s, and was not called Five Boys. In the image you can just see a portion of a ‘Five Boys’ advertising poster between the young man and woman on the left of the image.

The shopkeeper standing in the entrance is presumably Mr T Towler, as the sign in the right hand window shows, T Towler as licenced to sell tobacco.

In the sixty odd years since I first frequented the Wood Hut during my teens in the 1960s, I would imagine the shop has changed considerably. I recall it having a central entrance flanked by a single window either side and the then owners were Tony and Eileen Robinson. They had bought the hut from a Mrs Lee.

What lovely memories of buying sweets and the odd single woodbine (cigarette).

Finally, can you remember the sequence of the boy’s expressions on the chocolate bar? Desperation, Pacification, Expectation, Acclamation and Realisation.

Jack Brayshaw. 05 August 2021.

Previous Comments:

From the AHS Facebook pages:

John Denison.
Remember it well. You could also get 2 Woodbine cigs plus 3 matches for a penny.

Tilly Windus.
The hut stood in front of the fish and chip shop.

Michael Parker.
The wooden hut stood in front of what is now a food outlet, I remember it well .

Sheila Robinson-Burke.
Great sweet shop. Plus used to sell single cigarettes and a book of matches. LOL.

John Birchall.
I remember that.

Michael Parker.
The shop in the photo looks bigger than the wooden hut, but I may be wrong.

Neil Ascough.
I remember the shop being called the ‘Wooden Hut’. It was in front of the fish shop next to Queen Street Chapel. The frontage in the pic looks far too big for it to be the one that was there in the 60’s.

Jean Dean.
The Wood Hut sweet shop on Albert Square was smaller than this, it had one window on the left hand side of the door.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 05 August 2021.
Last updated: 10 January 2023 – Image updated.

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