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Aireborough Historical Society

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AHS Calendar 2024

Aireborough Historical Society Calendar for 2024 available now for more details…

Order Your Calendar Online Today!

Historical pictures from:-

  • Guiseley
  • Rawdon
  • Yeadon

which are sure to provide a year of pleasure. Order your copy online today, or pickup a copy from one of our distributors. Makes a perfect Christmas present. More details…

The Society was founded in 1957 to record and preserve the history of Aireborough, which consists of:-

  • Yeadon
  • Guiseley
  • Rawdon
  • Carlton
  • Hawksworth
  • Esholt
  • High Royds – Hospital

Join AHS Monthly Speaker Event

Aireborough Historical Society holds monthly (usually 2nd Thursday) speaker events on a variety of topics. For details of the next event.

Join AHS Join Us Become a Member

Why not make new friends, join us and become a member! Annual subscription £10.00 per annum (March to February).


Army Recruitment Contingent – 1915
The soldiers are parading on land outside Westfield Mills on Kirk Lane.
By 1915, it was obvious that voluntary recruitment was not providing enough men,
in July of that year the Government had passed the National Registration Act to stimulate recruitment
and also to ascertain how many men aged 15 – 85 were employed as tradesmen.
The findings of this census led to compulsory conscription in January 1916.
Westfield Mill was one of the many local mills, pubs, clubs etc which formed fund raising drives
to provide comforts and help for the families of servicemen, theirs was “Westfield Mill Soldiers and Sailors Charity”.

Air Raid Precaution Wardens (ARP) – Undated
A group of Air Raid Precaution Wardens outside Yeadon Town Hall,
ARP Wardens were part of the Civil Defence movement.
In the back row on the left is Jack Berry, to his right is Eric Berry.
In spite of the AVRO factory and Yeadon Airport being prime targets
the nearest bombs to be dropped in the vicinity were on Otley Chevin.

Have you a favourite photograph on our website that you would like to see as photo of the week on the AHS Home Page?
If so, please let Jack Brayshaw know the photo index number via email to:

Aireborough History From The Bronze Age To Today…

Brian Triffitt, Snow – 1947

We missed the 1933 one, but boy did we have some snow in 1947.

Freak Weather, (Guiseley) – (1)

A cottage on Town Street with snow almost up to the lower windows…

Maughan’s Bakers

Winter had truly set in with a vengeance and Maughan’s Bakery on Yeadon High Street, shows off some

Silver Lane

Deep snow in the Silver Lane area.

Val Ryan, A Memory of Heavy Snow – 1960s

In this beautiful photo taken in heavy snow we can see on the far right the bungalow occupied by Mr & Mrs Helmsley…

Yeadon Dam (7)

January 2013: At first glance this appears to be a black and white photo until the eye falls on the building to the left! The icy greys, blacks and frost give a chilly, …

If you spot any issues please do get in touch and we will fix them.

Whilst the AHS 2 website contains a wealth of information it does not contain all the photos, documents and maps which we hold.

Grateful thanks to Carlo Harrison who instigated digitising the collection and created the previous AHS 1 website.

Many thanks to Jack Brayshaw who enabled the AHS website to continue by migrating and enhancing the content from AHS 1 and creating this

AHS 2 website for everyone to enjoy.

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Early Vehicles