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Orchard Street School, 1825 – 1930 (2)

Orchard Street School s1920s

Title Orchard Street School
Date c1920s
Location Guiseley
Photo ID FB367
Comment A class of children, some of the boys are wearing what were then fashionable sailor suits. Donated by Angela Luty.
Orchard Street School 1920s

R122 – Orchard Street School, 1920s.

Orchard Street School – 1920s

Children on the back row include: John Frankish, H Wheatley, H Baldwin, Stanley griffith.
3rd row left to right: Leslie Greep, ? ? John Hilditch, Harry Mounsey, Fred Ogden, ?
2nd row left to right: Mitchell ? ? ? Metrich, Florence Moon, Winnie Galemore.
1st row left to right: Hilditch, Doris Newton, Mary Priestley, Eunice Busfield, Hilda Steele, ? ? ?
Front left to right: ? J Lawson, Jim Winterburn, Wilfred Watknson.

Orchard Street School 1922

P446 – Orchard Street School, 1922.

Orchard Street School – 1922

The teacher on the right is Miss Gregg, the children have been named as follows:
The back row includes: Phyllis Watkinson, R Noddings, Dennis Lumby.

3rd row left to right: Phyllis Myres, D Waite, Kitty Frankland, Godfrey North, Berta Maude, Hinchcliffe Sugden, Mary Chadwick, H Wheatley, Dorothy Hardy, Arthur Craven.

2nd row left to right: ? Eva Barker, Clifford Ogden, ? Norman Chaffer, Nora Claughton, D Watson, Chrissie Stall, Fred Norfolk, Connie Simpson, Cyril Thompson, Mary Garbutt, ?

Front row left to right: Eric Dunwell, Harry Crowther, Stanley Waugh, Mary Ward, Annie Chadwick, Joyce Hutton, Jim Baldwin, Harry Briggs, Wilfred Boocock.

Orchard Street School 1924

D155 – Orchard Street School, 1924.

Orchard Street School – 1924

Interior view of Orchard Street Wesleyan School.
It was built in 1825 by the Wesleyan Methodists and remained in use until 1930, when it was closed pupils transferred to Oxford Road school.
The premises were used as a Labour Exchange until demolition in 1973, then the site became a car park.
Orchard Court apartments have since been built here.

Orchard Street School 1927

P564 – Orchard Street School, 1927.

Orchard Street School – 1927

A May Day parade for the children, their names are:
Back row: Wild Lawn, Eunice Boulton, Jack Coombes, ? Hill, Harry Yeadon, Willie Frankland, Jack Germaine, John Hartley.
Front row: Henry Rawnsley, F Ibbotson, Norman Yeadon, Vincent Barrett, L Ellis, Hilda Ellis, Gladys Baker, Clifford Machell, Stanley Hudson, Joe Robertshaw, Leonard Ward.

Donated by Ann North.

Orchard Street School 1930s

P416 – Orchard Street School, 1930s.

Orchard Street School – 1930s

It closed as a school in 1930 and was replaced by the new Wesleyan schoolroom on Oxford Road.

The ground floor was then used a a Labour Exchange and the upper floor as a Scout meeting room. Francis Oates remembers carrying sacks of coal which cost 1/3d each (about 6p) up the stairs to the meeting room when he was a Scout.

Orchard Street School c1950s

FB373 – Orchard Street School, c1950s.

Orchard Street School – c1950s

School children enjoying a day trip to Bridlington.

Orchard Street School 1970s

A530 – Orchard Street School, 1970s.

Orchard Street School – 1970s

The school closed in 1930, at some point until it was demolished in 1973, it was used as a Labour Exchange.

Orchard Street School 1970s

J259 – Orchard Street School, 1970s.

Orchard Street School – 1970s

School building on Orchard Street, it was demolished in 1973.

Donated by Pam Waite.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 17 May 2022.
Last updated: 19 May 2022 – Photo ID: P564, FB373.

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