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Morrison’s Supermarket

Morrison's Supermarket 1969

Title Morrisons Supermarket
Date 1969
Location Guiseley
Photo ID FB413
Comment The site of Morrison’s Supermarket seen from Park Road, Hallam Street is to the left, the mill chimney seen here is part of the Guiseley Engineering Company. Photographer Brian Triffitt.
Morrison's Supermarket 1969

M123 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 1969.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 1969

This view is looking across the site where the Primitive Methodist Chapel had stood.
An obelisk remains as a reminder of the sites past.
The clock tower is under construction, on the right is the section of the building which became the Job Centre on the first floor with independent shops at street level.

Photographer Brian Triffitt.

Morrison's Supermarket 1969

M124 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 1969.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 1969

This is the entrance and clock tower on the left. The construction company is Taylor Woodrow.

Photographer Brian Triffitt.

Morrison's Supermarket 1969

M125 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 1969.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 1969

View from Otley Road of the store nearing completion.

Photographer Brian Triffitt.

Morrison's Supermarket 1969

J210 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 1969.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 1969

Supermarket which opened in 1989, it was built on the site of Cassfield Mill and properties which had fronted onto Otley Road.

Photographer Brian Triffitt.

Morrison's Supermarket 1992

S43 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 1992.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 1992

View across the car park to the supermarket which had opened in 1989.

Morrison's Supermarket 2004

P374 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 2004.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 2004

Main entrance to Morrison’s store on Otley Road.

Morrison's Supermarket 2016

B885 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 2016.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 2016

Work to be carried out to upgrade the store and extend the cafe area into the car park area.

When the shop opened in 1989 there was no cafe which was a disappointment to shoppers who had been anticipating a refreshment facility, at that time there were no other cafes or coffee shops in Guiseley.

What had initially been an area for trolleys  was turned into the cafe within a few weeks.

When the work was finished just before Xmas 2016 in addition to the existing extended cafe a smaller coffee shop had been installed near the entrance.

Photographer Edwy Harling.

Morrison's Supermarket 2016

B890 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 2016.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 2016

A member of staff assigned to assist customers while goods were being moved round during the store refurbishment. Photographer Carlo Harrison

Morrison's Supermarket 2016

B891 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 2016.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 2016

Store manager Mark Corpes in front of the new butcher’s counter.

Photographer Carlo Harrison.

Morrison's Supermarket 2016

B892 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 2016.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 2016

“Market Street” with the new fresh food outlets.

Photographer Carlo Harrison.

Morrison's Supermarket 2016

B893 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 2016.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 2016

As above.

Morrison's Supermarket 2016

B894 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 2016.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 2016

The new additional small coffee shop and new sandwich bar where the customer is able to select their own fillings.

Photographer Carlo Harrison.

Morrison's Supermarket 2017

D552 – Morrison’s Supermarket, 2017.

Morrison’s Supermarket – 2017

View of the newly extended café area which had been built out onto part of the car park.

Photographer Joanne Coultas.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 16 May 2022.
Last updated: 16 May 2022.

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