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Home » Guiseley » Businesses Guiseley » The Red Lion Hotel, c1882 – onwards

The Red Lion Hotel, c1882 – onwards

The Red Lion Hotel Undated

Title The Red Lion Hotel
Date Undated
Location Guiseley
Photo ID B453
Comment The Red Lion played a key part in the Guiseley/Yeadon horse weddings. John Popplewell was the landlord followed by William Popplewell in 1870. The Red Lion played a key part in the Guiseley/Yeadon horse weddings. When a wedding party emerged from St. Oswald’s Church on the opposite side of Towngate the bride and groom would have their health drunk in the Red Lion. The bride then rode behind her groom up Kirk Lane to Yeadon accompanied by unmarried young men who would race on horseback up to the Robin Hood. The winner was given a silver tankard of ale decked with ribbons.
The Red Lion Hotel Undated

K483 – The Red Lion Hotel, Undated.

The Red Lion Hotel – Undated

The late Mr Albert Everson did some research on this pub: the schedule of title began in 1757, the building was certainly an Inn or beer house prior to 1822. Landlords of the past were: prior to 1822, David Smith, 1833 John Popplewell, 1853 William Armitage,1870 William Popplewell and 1904, S Dennison.

The Red Lion Hotel 1978

J335 – The Red Lion Hotel, 1978.

The Red Lion Hotel – 1978

The Red Lion Hotel is located on the Green, to the right on Well Lane is a Thompson & Walker’s waggon. The Whitbread sign is on the wall of the Woolpack Inn.

The Red Lion Hotel 1996

FBA077 – The Red Lion Hotel, 1996.

The Red Lion Hotel – 1996

Situated on the Green, the Inn dates back to at least1822 when John Popplewell was the landlord, in 1870 William Popplewell was the proprietor, by 1904, S Denison was the licensee.

The Red Lion Hotel 2015

U386 – The Red Lion Hotel, 2015.

The Red Lion Hotel – 2015

The Red Lion is located on the Green.

Photographer Phil Walker.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 01 April 2022.
Last updated: 04 April 2022.

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