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Home » Guiseley » Businesses Guiseley » Victoria Works – 1992

Victoria Works – 1992

Victoria Works 1992

Title Victoria Works
Date 1992
Location Guiseley
Photo ID D421
Comment Rear view of Victoria Works. Photographer John D Harrison.
Victoria Works 1992

D422 – Victoria Works, 1992.

Victoria Works – 1992

This was the original approach to the works across the sleeper bridge.

Photographer John D Harrison.

Victoria Works 1992

D458 – Victoria Works, 1992.

Victoria Works – 1992

View of the original approach to the works, the remains of a sleeper bridge can be seen and a portable building section.

Photographer John D Harrison.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 03 May 2022.
Last updated: 03 May 2022.

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