Guides Christmas Fair – 1957
The Fair was held in the Guide Hut, names given are:
Christine Hall, Pam Brown, Christine Webster, Margaret Armitage, Christine Rushworth, Mary Barrett, Isabel Houseman, Kay Spencer, Pam Maude, Marian Webster, Hazel Wilkinson, Brenda Wilkinson, Elizabeth Armitage, Ethel Potts, Cynthia Goodall, Barbara Cutler, Edna Hall, Nell Sedman (Potts), Lucy Rushworth, Mrs Webster.
St. Oswald’s Guides – Undated
The Ist Guiseley St. Oswald’s Guides, a group of “old” guides are looking at scrapbooks or albums with young girls, possibly a special occasion as in the background are screens displaying photos. Amongst the older ladies, sitting in the middle of the group, from left to right are Doris Light and Ethel Pickles, Ethel Potts is standing behind them.
Donated by Alan Pickles.
Wesleyan Methodist Church Brownies- 1960
The 2nd Guiseley Wesleyan Methodist Brownie Pack, named as:
Back Row: Tawny Owl Cynthia ? Brown Owl Christine ? Pack Leaders Christine ? Vivian ?
Middle row: Irene Hall Pixie Sixer, Lynne Harris Fairy Seconder, Anne Winter Sprite Sixer, Judith ? Pixie Seconder, Pamela ? Elf Seconder, Valerie Moxon Fairy Sixer, (Image Donor)
Front row: Ann Sinclair Elf Sixer, Lynne Raymond Elf, Joyce Moxon Elf, (sister of Valerie) Janice ? Fairy, Lynn ? Sprite.
Donated by Val McCourt nee Moxon.
Baptist Church Garden Party – 1968
Guides manning a bottle stall at the garden party.
From the left: Dora Cornwall, Paul Goya, Linda Sedgwick and Susan Stephens.
Front row from the right: Margaret Horton, Janet Winn and Jane Roberts.
Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.
Cub’s Football Teams – 1969
The Guiseley Methodist Church, 7th and 14th Airedale Cub Scouts, pictured here at the Football Field of St. Peter’s ( C of E ) Primary School, Rawdon.
Back row L to R are: Simon Armstrong, Mark Hainsworth, ?, Nick Kealy, ?, ?, Nick Gledhill, Chris Platt, Tim Leach, ?, Patrick Fordham, ?, ?,
Front row L to R are: ?, ?, ?, Glen Brown, Russ Dodding, ?, ?,John Waite, Ian Platt, William Riley, ?, ?,
Names supplied by Mark Hainsworth, Janet Blackburn, Tim Riley, Rachel O’Connor & Ann Garnett. Aug 21. Location identified by the Editor. JB. Dec 2020.
Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.
Gang Show – 1969
A Scout and Guide Gang Show, the children are dressed as cowboys and Native American Indians. Location was the old Methodist Church.
Back row standing Left to right Ian Metcalfe, ?, Jackie Brewer, Alana Culley, Christine Webster, ?, ?, Julie Waite, William Riley.
Front Row left to right ?, ?, ?, ?, Carol Booth, Jennifer Waite, Barry Heap, Tim Leach.
Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.
Pervious Comments:
Re BB089
Kat Robinson commented on our facebook page:
“The Guides and Brownies on the front table are 1st Guiseley Brownies and Guides. My mum is one of the Brownies in the photo, and my Aunty one of the Guides, which means the photo was taken in 1956-58.”
Re F497
The District Commissioner presenting the Queens Guide certificate is my mother, Alice (Becky) Binns.
30 December 2014.