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St. John Ambulance Brigade

St.John Ambulance Brigade Badge Undated

Title St. John Ambulance Brigade
Date Undated
Location Guiseley
Photo ID F039
Comment Badge worn by volunteers who joined the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Guiseley and district.
St.John Ambulance Brigade c1910

D418 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, c1910.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – c1910

Volunteers for service St. John Ambulance Brigade, Guiseley.

Donated by John Holmes.

St.John Ambulance Brigade c1910

B297 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, c1910.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – c1910

St. John Ambulance Brigade was founded in the UK in 1877 to teach and practice first aid.
There is no affiliation to any religious order, it is now a world wide organisation. These Guiseley members are pictured with bandsmen.

St.John Ambulance Brigade c1910

B298 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, c1910.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – c1910

A group photograph.

St. John Ambulance Brigade 1927

F038 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, 1927.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – 1927

This was the first motor ambulance to be used in Guiseley, it was bought by public subscription and manned by St. John Ambulance volunteers. 

It also served Yeadon when needed and was in service until the advent of the National Health Service in 1948. 

In this photo it is parked on Station Road in Guiseley, on the right is the station house. 

It is said that it became an on-site vehicle at one of the local hospitals.

St. John Ambulance Brigade 1927

I331 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, 1927.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – 1927

This vehicle was for use by the St. John Ambulance Brigade, it was bought and the running costs covered by public subscription.

St. John Ambulance Brigade c1930s

FF97 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, c1930s.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – c1930s

Pictured with the ambulance in the background are a number of volunteers. The donor of this image is John Holmes, his uncle Alvin is sat on the ground to the right.

St. John Ambulance Brigade 1930s

F042 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, 1930s.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – 1930s

Members of Guiseley and District St. John Ambulance enjoying their annual tea.

St. John Ambulance Brigade 1937/38

FBA001 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, 1937/8.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – 1937/38

Members of Guiseley St. John Ambulance in uniform, the location is Netherfield Park.

t. John Ambulance Brigade 1939/45

N44 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, 1939/45.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – 1939/45

This group of volunteers ran a mobile hospital during the 2nd World War, the location is outside Richmond Garage on Otley Road.
Among the personnel are 3 drivers, they are on the left of the back row, two of them are named as Bob Rhodes and Mr Chaffer.
In the centre of the front row are Doctors Piercy Muschamp and Alec Muschamp, they were the medical instructors for the unit.

St. John Ambulance Brigade c1960s

H126 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, c1960s.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – c1960s

A St. John Ambulance garden party, in the grounds of the old Guiseley Rectory.

St. John Ambulance Brigade c1960s

FBA183 – St. John Ambulance Brigade, c1960s.

St. John Ambulance Brigade – c1960s

The lady on the left in a nurses uniform was the mother of the donor of this image, Nancy Tordoff-Ives, she did much volunteer work for local charities. The Chairman of Aireborough Urban District Council is watching the proceedings.

Previous Comments:

Re FBA183
I think the lady second from the left maybe Betty Flack? Who used to train St. John cadets on a Wednesday evening in, what was then, Guiseley Town Hall.
01 September 2014.

Re FBA001
My grandad is the second man on left side third row back, Eric Wilkinson. x
11 November 2014.

Re B298
The man to the left of the middle row (wearing the corporals stripes) is my uncle Alvin Holmes.
I presume this photo was taken pre WW1 as he has no medals and he did join the Royal Army Medical Corps and served in France as an ambulance driver.
23 April 2015.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 18 April 2022.
Last updated: 19 April 2022.

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