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May Queen

May Queen c1920s

Title May Queen
Date c1920s
Location Guiseley
Photo ID B286
Comment A procession of children celebrating May Day on Towngate, they were pupils of St. Oswald’s, C of E School. A young herald with a trumpet leads the May Queen and her attendants.
May Queen c1920s

G883 – May Queen, c1920s.

May Queen – c1920s

A May Day group of the Queen and her attendants, on the left are pages wearing ostrich feathered hats, the Queen and her ladies are carrying large baskets of flowers.

Donated by Lynda Keith.

May Queen 1930

J20 – May Queen, 1930.

May Queen – 1930

Girls from St. Oswald’s School photographed on the Green, they are dressed to celebrate May Day wearing mob caps, white dresses, shoes and socks.
The May Queen is in the centre with an attendant.
On the left side of the back row is Minnie Freeman, 3rd from the left is Dorothy Bluitt, 5th from the right is Rita Winterburn, 4th from the right is Florence.
Other names noted but not given in position are: Barbara Barrett, Dorothy Howson, Irene Longfellow, Emily Howson, Alice Kidd, Martha Fletcher.

May Queen c1930

G864 – May Queen, c1930.

May Queen – c1930

The page with the May Queen is Oswald Brooke, born in 1924, the son of William Brooke. St. Oswald’s Church is on the left, the parade is in the grounds of the old Rectory.

Donated by Lynda Keith nee Brooke.

May Queen c1930s

Z31 – May Queen, c1930s.

May Queen – c1930s

This photo has been badly creased.
The May Queen is carrying a basket of flowers, she is followed by 6 attendants in identical dresses and mop caps.
Canon Howson is just right of centre wearing a trilby.

May Queen c1930s

I115 – May Queen, c1930s.

May Queen – c1930s

Photo of an unidentified May Queen with her retinue.

Donated by Eddie Jenkinson.

May Queen c1930s

G766 – May Queen, c1930s.

May Queen – c1930s

St Oswalds Church, Guiseley, May Queen and her attendants outside the old Rectory.

Donated by Lynda Keith.

May Queen 1934

B190 – May Queen, 1934.

May Queen – 1934

A May Day procession in Town Gate, the May Queen is led by a herald wearing a tricorn hat and carrying a horn, also a page boy in satin breeches.
The Queen wears a satin dress and mob cap, her train is held by a dozen attendants all wearing long dresses and mob caps.
They are watched by an approving audience.
On the left are the Cross and stocks, the children are facing down Town Gate in the direction of Greenbottom.
The houses in the background would be demolished for road improvements.

May Queeen 1934

H706 – May Queen, 1934.

May Queen – 1934

Our information had this image as undated, however, compare the image to the one above and I think you will agree it is the same May Queen of 1934.

May Queen 1934

H708 – May Queen, 1930s.

May Queen – 1930s

The May Queen and her attendants.

May Queen 1930s

H707 – May Queen, 1930s.

May Queen – 1930s

As above.

May Queen 1936

C784 – May Queen, 1936.

May Queen – 1936

The May Queen and her attendants, names supplied:
Margaret Poole, Norah Field, Julie Jowett, Joyce Waite, Joan Crosby, Pam Jennings, S Schampart, Betty Kellett, Mollie Page, Edna Heigold, Doreen Cooper – flower girl. Maureen Bedelow – Queen.

May Queen 1937

W403 – May Queen, 1937.

May Queen – 1937

May Day revels postponed on May 1 owing to measles at the National School, were combined with Empire Day festivities on May 22.
The May Queen (Pamela Jennings) and her retinue entering the Rectory grounds”

May Queen 1938

G102 – May Queen, 1938.

May Queen – 1938

Maypole dancing in the grounds of Guiseley Rectory as part of the May Day celebrations.

May Queen 1938

G103 – May Queen, 1938.

May Queen – 1938

As above.

May Day 1938

G897 – May Queen, 1938.

May Queen – 1938

As above.

Donated by Lynda Keith.

May Day 1938

G898 – May Queen, 1938.

May Queen – 1938

As above.

Donated by Lynda Keith.

May Day 1938

G899 – May Queen, 1938.

May Queen – 1938

As above.

Donated by Lynda Keith.

May Queen 1951

FF54 – May Queen, 1951.

May Queen – 1951

May Queen with her ladies-in-waiting and page boys. The photo was taken in the grounds of St. Oswald’s Rectory.

Editor’ Note: This image was marked 1921, however, I believe it to relate to either the late 1940s or as I have marked, 1951. Of course AHS are always open to correction.

May Queen 1969

K278 – May Queen, 1969.

May Queen – 1969

St. Oswald’s School, Guiseley. The May Queen with her attendants and other pupils.

The May Queen, Sally Fifield with her attendants and other pupils including Lynne Bowland, Jill Barry, Liz Stanley, Linda Baker, Paul Goya, Pauline Nichols, John Robson, Cheryl Hogg, Elaine Rawnsley, Karren Hughes, Jane Spencer, Barry Heap, Richard Haigh, Andrew Wade, Dawn Nicholson, Robert Whittaker, Garry Williams, Janet Harrison, David Thakery, Lynne Bowland, Jill Barras, Keith Webster, Angela Newby, Janet Land, Sharon Royston.

Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.

May Queen 1969

K279 – May Queen, 1969.

May Queen – 1969

As above.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 01 April 2022.
Last updated: 17 November 2023 – Photo ID: H706, H707, H708, G864, G766. 28 September 2023 – Photo ID: G897, G898, G899.

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