Previous Comments:
Re X66
It was quite a surprise to come across this photograph of 2 Carlton Drive, my former home, as I was looking through the photographs of Guiseley. I lived here with my (former) husband, David Grimshaw and our two daughters, Louise and Helen, from around 1968 – 1976. I loved this house and the gardens were lovely. My mother, Christine Ludley (was Christine Brown – who married my father, Dennis Ludley in March 1940) told me that her Grandfather, Sam Brown, had his allotment on this same property many years before. Maybe that is why everything grew and flourished so well!
Posted by Elizabeth Grimshaw (was Elizabeth Ludley)
28 April 2014.
What a lovely area of Guiseley to have lived in! Great views from the top of that road!
09 February 2015.
Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 18 February 2022.
Last updated: 20 February 2022 – Photo ID: K188.