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Ings Lane

Ings Lane pre 1914
Title Ings Lane
Date Pre 1914
Location Guiseley
Photo ID U11
Comment Four men decorating a house on Ings Lane, the wrought iron railings have since been removed. The man in front of the door was Leonard Mawson who lived on Canada Row, Rawdon. His son Gilbert is the young man on the right, he was killed in action during the 1914-18 War.
Ings Lane 1992

T329 – Ings Lane, 1992.

Ings Lane – 1992

The demise of the bridge and a temporary walkway across Ings Lane.

Photographer Charles North.

Ings Lane 1992

T368 – Ings Lane, 1992.

Ings Lane – 1992

Construction of the bridge which carries Ings Lane over the railway line, seen in the autumn of 1992

Photographer Charles North.

Ings Lane 1993

T329 – Ings Lane, 1993.

Ings Lane – 1993

New bridge taking Ings Lane over the railway line, on the left is the Ings Inn.

Photographer Charles North.

Ings Lane 2013

FB261 – Ings Lane, 2013.

Ings Lane – 2013

View up Ings Lane to New Birks Farm, on the left is a field which is to be built on.

Photographer Joanne Coultas.

Ings Lane 2015

S164 – Ings Lane, 2015.

Ings Lane – 2015

Photo taken by Phil Walker from Ings Bridge, Ings Lane looking to the rear of the former Carter & Parker mill site with the chimney in view.

Ings Lane Undated

G206 – Ings Lane, Undated.

Ings Lane – Undated

Taken from Ings Lane with Moons chimney in the middle, with Guiseley Cricket club and Football Clubs in the foreground.

Ings Lane 2015

S194 – Ings Lane, 2015.

Ings Lane – 2015

Derelict farm buildings on Ings Lane. The area has been proposed for housing.

Photographer Phil Walker.

Ings Lane 2015

S195 – Ings Lane, 2015.

Ings Lane – 2015

As above.

Ings Lane 2015

S196 – Ings Lane, 2015.

Ings Lane – 2015

As above.

Previous Comments:

Re U11
This is a picture of our house, 34 Ings Lane. We have recently had an exact copy of the railings made and they are now in place. Helen Barker.
27 May 2015.

Consolidated by Linda Plonka. 28 February 2022.
Last updated: 10 March 2022 – Photo ID: T329, T368, T375, FB261, S164, G206, S194, A195 & S196.

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