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Home » Guiseley » Landmarks-Guiseley » Moor Lane

Moor Lane

Moor Lane 2016

Title Moor Lane
Date 2016
Location Guiseley
Photo ID Y307
Comment Looking in the direction of High Royds from Moor Lane, on the skyline are “elephant trees”. Photographer Edwy Harling.
Moor Lane 2016

Moor Lane – 2016

View from Moor Lane looking across towards High Royds.

Photographer Edwy Harling.

Moor Lane 2016

Moor Lane – 2016

A service reservoir pumping station on Moor Lane.

Photographer Edwy Harling.

Consolidated by Linda Plonka. 08 March 2022.
Last updated: 20 March 2022.

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