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Parkinson Park

Parkinson Park 2004

Title Parkinson Park
Date 2004
Location Guiseley
Photo ID C710
Comment The first two photographs are looking down from Parkinson Park to the Crompton Parkinson works. Parkinson Park sits on the hillside behind the old Crompton Parkinson site on Netherfield Road .
Parkinson Park 2004

C710A – Parkinson Park, 2004.

Parkinson Park – 2004

This historic area was given to the people of Guiseley to use as a park by Frank & Albert Parkinson in the 1930’s, it has been used for walks, play and events ever since.

The area is now managed & cared for by “The Friends of Parkinson Park” a voluntary group of local people.

Parkinson Park 2015

S473 – Parkinson Park, 2015.

Parkinson Park – 2015

View from the park looking towards St Mary’s School, Menston, it is just to the right of the shrub in the centre. Photographer Edwy Harling.

Parkinson Park 2015

S485 – Parkinson Park, 2015.

Parkinson Park – 2015

Looking from the park across the new housing estate which was built on the site of the Crompton Parkinson works.

In the centre the clock salvaged from the demolished works can be seen, it is located on the Netherfield Road car park.

Photographer Edwy Harling.

Parkinson Park 2015

S486 – Parkinson Park, 2015.

Parkinson Park – 2015

View looks from the park across new housing to the Wendy Wools mill on Netherfield Road.

Photographer Edwy Harling.

Consolidated by Elaine Ellwood. 20 March 2022.
Last updated: 26 March 2022.

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