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Silver Cross

Silver Cross 2006

Title Silver Cross
Date 2006
Location Guiseley
Photo ID FBA160
Comment The former Lawrence Wilson & Sons Silver Cross pram works is on the left. The factory was originally built on 2 acres of land (late 1870s-early 1800s) by Hugh Claughton who manufactured boots and shoes there. He called the core building Nethermoor, after his death the business foundered, the works were bought by Naylor Jennings of Green Lane Dyeworks who spun artificial silk there. Wilsons relocated to the factory from Leeds in 1936 and remained there until the company moved to premises near Skipton around 2002.
Silver Cross 2006

FBA161 – Silver Cross, 2006.

Silver Cross – 2006

The former Lawrence Wilson & Sons Silver Cross pram works is surrounded by scaffolding prior to demolition.

Silver Cross 2006

R364 – Silver Cross, 2006.

Silver Cross – 2006

Clearance of the Silver Cross pram works site after demolition, homes were built on the site.

Silver Cross 2006

FBA209 – Silver Cross, 2006.

Silver Cross – 2006

Housing development underway on the site of the former Wilson’s Silver Cross pram works seen from Back Lane.

Silver Cross 2006

FBA211 – Silver Cross, 2006.

Silver Cross – 2006

Looking towards Otley Road (A65).

Silver Cross 2015

T335 – Silver Cross, 2015.

Silver Cross – 2015

The first of the new homes are being erected on the Back Lane side of the development and the factory chimney is being taken down.

Photographer Charles North.

Silver Cross 2015

T338 – Silver Cross, 2015.

Silver Cross – 2015

New housing on what had been the site of Lawrence Wilson’s Silver Cross pram works, seen from Otley Road and “Silver Cross Way”. 

Photographer Charles North.

Silver Cross 2015

T389 – Silver Cross, 2015.

Silver Cross – 2015

As above.

Silver Cross 2015

T390 – Silver Cross, 2015.

Silver Cross – 2015

As above.

Silver Cross 2015

T391 – Silver Cross, 2015.

Silver Cross – 2015

Looking along Back Lane, the “Good Skin Days” clinic is at the junction with Otley Road.

Consolidated by Elaine Ellwood. 20 March 2022.
Last updated: 30 March 2022.

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