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Secondary Modern School

Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1920s

Title Secondary Modern School
Date 1920s
Location Guiseley
Photo ID D291
Comment A group of workmen seen during the building of what was then called Guiseley Modern School on Oxford Road, now usually referred to as Guiseley Infants, Oxford Road.
Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1929

D447 – Secondary Modern School, 1929.

Secondary Modern School – 1929

Class of children with names provided.

Back row, left to right: Billy Jilks, Dennis Robinson, Stanley Hudson, Henry Rawnsley, ? Cooper, Willie Dubb.
3rd row left to right: Mary Cooper, Enid Smith, Clarice Riley, Nettie Learmonth, Jenny Leake, Betty Bartlam, Winnie Collinson, May Exley.
2nd row, left to right: Nancy Settle, Betty Marshall, Mary Jackson, Madge ?, Christine Brown, Joan Gemmell.
Front row, left to right: Lilly Smith, Nelly Beale, Iren Nodings, Jessie Briggs, Winnie harrison.

Guiseley Secondary Modern Trip 1947/48

H183 – Secondary Modern School, 1947/48.

Secondary Modern School – 1947/48

A school trip to Malham, the donor Jack Halliday says “I am the sulky one on the 2nd row far right because my parents would not put me in long trousers”. Names have been supplied as follows:

Front row left to right: Jean Booth, Mary McCafferty, ? Betty Mills, ? Ronnie Hogben, Keith Waring, Jack Van Geloven.

Behind seated: Chris Pickles, Derek Broadbent, Les Waite, Raymond Barren, Jack Halliday, Marion Knipe, Joan Tate, Philip Stogden, Peter Robertson, Raymond Turner, David Pratt, Derek Miller, Teddy Standon, Sheila Mangan, Megan Stazynski, Molly Watmuff.

Standing at back: Colin Davies, Michael Parry, ? Nancy Stokes, Les Parker, ? Raymond Ellis, Edward Parker, George Ormston, Elsie Lawson, Gerald Braithwaite, Jean Rounhill, Maureen Stewart, Derek Rhodes, Frank Stewart, Jim Anderson, Dennis Radcliffe, Douglas Whittaker, John Crane, Edna Bradley, Derek Clegg, Donald Holmes, ? ? ? Ascough.

Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1959

C291 – Secondary Modern School, 1959.

Secondary Modern School – 1959

These two images are of form 2C’s Christmas party, the photos are the same but the one below has the names of the children on it.

Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1959

C290 – Secondary Modern School, 1959.

Secondary Modern School – 1959

As above.

Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1959/60

FB496 – Secondary Modern School, 1959/60.

Secondary Modern School – 1959/60

This was the school football team.

Top Row L to R Mick Jennings, Keith Watkinson ?,Derek Ohara,Graham elms, John Metcalfe

2 nd row Ian Clapham, Paul wood , Pete morrel, Pete Ellsworth, Pete young.

Front two Chris young , Roland Agar

Names supplied by Stephen Wood , Image donated by Brian Firth

Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1960

I180 – Secondary Modern School, 1960.

Secondary Modern School – 1960

Form 1D.

On the back row from left to right are :
John Wheatley, Barrie Jackson, Christopher Robertshaw and Derek Brabiner.

Middle row from left to right :
Ruth Lister, Brenda Moule, Christine Stevenson, June Hill and Jacqueline Robb.

Front row from left to right :
Douglas Long, June Burdon, Diane Abbot, Mr Newall, Teacher, Evelyn Holliday, Jean Metcalfe, David Starkey and In front, Susan Waite.

Donated by John Wheatley.

Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1961

E401 – Secondary Modern School, 1961.

Secondary Modern School – 1961

A poor quality image of some of the pupils. No names have been supplied.

Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1961

I181 – Secondary Modern School, 1961.

Secondary Modern School – 1961

Form 2D
On the back row from left to right:
Christopher Robertshaw, Barrie Jackson, John Field and David Starkey.

Middle row from left to right: Ruth Lister, Rosemary Radford, Jacqueline Robb, June Hill, Jean Metcalfe, Susan Waite and Miss Norman, Teacher.

Front row from left to right: John Wheatley, Raymond Hatton, Marie Booth, Evelyn Holliday, Derek Brabiner and David Dobson.

Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1962

D640 – Secondary Modern School, 1962

Secondary Modern School – 1962

Philip Archdale donated these images and told us “The photos of Guiseley School were taken as we departed on the Guiseley School trip to Edinburgh in June or July 1962.

Guiseley School 1962

D641 – Secondary Modern School, 1962.

Secondary Modern School – 1962

I am (Philip Archdale) crouched 3rd from the right on the photo by the footbridge, I included the other photo more for the view of the station buildings in the background. I think we only stayed one night but seemed to do a lot in the visit “.

Back row, 2nd left: Mr Bowers, Headmaster.
2nd row standing, 1st left: Eddy Ingle.
Front row: 1st left, Peter Jarman, 2nd left, Michael Trotter, 1st right, Stephen Hartley.

Guiseley School 1963

D644 – Secondary Modern School, 1963.

Secondary Modern School – 1963

School Staff.
Donated by Philip Archdale who supplied the following names and details: The school was in a building on Oxford Road, now occupied by Guiseley Infant & Junior School, he started school there in September 1961 then at February half term 1963 the school moved to its present location on Fieldhead Road.

Back row: Mr Watson, Mr Dennison, Mr Guy, Mr Miller, ? Mr Southwell, Mr McKenzie. They taught Craft & Design, Geography, Art, PE/Games, Metalwork.
Middle row: Marjorie Burgoyne, Agnes Norman, Margaret Wilkinson, Bronwen Hargreaves, Kathy Winterburn, Anita Williams, Anne Harrison, Judith Haddy.
Front row: Mr Peter Spencer, Mr Popplewell, Miss McKay, Mr Bowers, Headmaster. Mr Binns, Deputy Headmaster, Mr Wilson, Mr Thompson, Deputy Headmaster.
The subjects taught by these staff were, Mathematics, Science, English, History, Rural Studies.

Guiseley Secondary Modern School 1963

P565 – Secondary Modern School, 1963.

Secondary Modern School – 1963

Information about the official opening of the new school and other details.  Photos of the school exterior and a domestic science room.

Donated by Ann North.

Guiseley School 1966/67

PU052 – Secondary Modern School, 1966/67.

Secondary Modern School – 1966/67

Out for a run, the tall boy on the left is Ian Gillingham, John Kirk is in the centre, next Tommy Broadwell, then Graham Pawson.

Donated by Anne Turner.

Guiseley School 1967

G238 – Secondary Modern School, 1967.

Secondary Modern School – 1967

A group of prize winners December 1967. Back row, left to right: Robert Sheldon, David Carter, Martin Copperthwaite.
Front row, left to right: Janet Russel, Angela Medley, Gwyneth Hudson, Lorina Summers.

Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.

Unknown Hockey Team Undated

W714 – Secondary Modern School, Undated.

Unknown Hockey Team possibly Secondary Modern School – Undated

A photo by Bryan Waite of Guiseley of an unknown girls hockey team. The names
(not always clear) given are:-
Back Row far left Jenny Simon, 3rd in Jane Featherstone, 4th in Clare Hammond, 2nd from right heather Smithan, last on right Penny Storry.
Front row 3rd from left brenda Hemsworth, 1st from righr Kate Pilgim, 2nd from right Jane Brewer, & 3rd from right margaret Slingby.

Donated by Brenda Taylor.

Guiseley School 1970s

D380 – Secondary Modern School, 1970s.

Secondary Modern School – 1970s

Boys swimming team, they had won the boy’s championships in the recent Airedale and Wharfedale Competition.

Back row L to R: Nick Parish, Steve Smith, ?, Paul Mackie, Paul Pleasance, ? and John Waite.
Middle row L to R: Robert Gill, Clifford Howland, Douglas Gaff, ? , Clifford Webb and ?
Front row L to R: ?, Andrew Baxter, ?, Kevin Taylor, Simon Fanthorpe, ? And ?
Named but not specified where abouts – Peter Bunker middle row.
Also named and not placed – Graham Farnell, Andrew Metcalfe, Nigel Lister, Graham Beale, Kevin Taylor and Graham Wadsworth.

Guiseley School Undated

H748 – Secondary Modern School, Undated.

Secondary Modern School – Undated

Guiseley School for pupils aged 11 – 18 is located on Fieldhead Road.

Guiseley School 2016

C502 – Secondary Modern School, 2016.

Secondary Modern School – 2016

Views of the school located on Fieldhead Road.

Photographer Joanne Coultas.

Guiseley School 2016

C503 – secondary Modern School, 2016.

Secondary Modern School – 2016

Guiseley School for pupils aged 11 – 18 is located on Fieldhead Road.

Guiseley School 2016

C504 – Secondary Modern School, 2016.

Secondary Modern School – 2016

Views of the school located on Fieldhead Road.

Photographer Joanne Coultas.

Previous Comments:

Re D447
Lovely to see this photograph. My Mum, Christine Brown, aged approximately 10/11 years old, second row from front, and 2nd child from the right, is on here. Her very good friend of many years, even after they were both married, Winnie Collinson is also in the photograph. Elizabeth (Ludley) Grimshaw.
10 October 2015

Re D644
Linda Renton
I remember some of these teachers who taught myself and the class I was in. I did not spend long at Oxford Road as we moved up to the new school at Fieldhead Road. I was in a class with pupils called Ian Fife, Stanley Sutcliffe, Richard Voisey, Janice Woodward, Carole and Jayne Murgatroyd, Elizabeth Riley, Elizabeth Lye, that is just a few to mention. Our first form teacher was Miss Bennett later to become Mrs Harrison.
01 August 2021.

Barbara Horwood
My husband Douglas Horwood went to this school and he was in Mr Southwell’s and Mr Newall’s classes and he used to talk a lot about David Starkey. He is now in a nursing home and I would love to get in touch with his old school mates. I was at the same school the same years as him and loved it.
14 August 2021.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 20 May 2022.
Last updated: 19 November 2023 – Photo ID: H183. 01 February 2023 – Photo ID: W714. 24 October 2022 – Text updated on D380.

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