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Benton Players (2)

Benton Park Players 1926
Title Benton Players (2)
Date 1926
Location Rawdon
Photo ID E138
Comment This play performed by the Benton Players is a play adapted from a short story by Jerome K Jerome and revolves around the residents of a seedy London boarding house.

This photo of the cast was taken outside the schoolroom of Benton Congregational Chapel. The cast are named but not precisely identified.
Donald Parker, Roy Meldrum, Kathleen Parker, Jean McCluskey, Marguerite McIntyre, Charles Assell, David Ellis, Dora Creasey, Edna Gill, John Cree, Elsie Hyde and Betty Cree. Betty is the lady second from the right seated at the front.

Benton Park Players 1926

E139 – Benton Players, 1926.

Benton Players – 1926

Cast members: Roy Meldrum, Kathleen Parker, David Ellis, Charles Assell, John Cree, Edna Gill, James McCluskey, Marguerite McIntyre Elsie Hyde, Donald Parker, Dora Creasey and Betty Cree (last lady on the right)

Benton Park Players 1926

E160 – Benton Players, 1926.

Benton Players – 1926

A play by Noel Coward in which an uncle returns from abroad and promises to leave his fortune to one of his 5 nephews and nieces.
This production was given at Benton Chapel and in Otley during October and November.
Some of the cast names given were:
Rubina Anderson, Leslie Mathers, James McLuskey, Kathleen Dawson, Donald Parker.
Betty Cree is 4th from the left standing, seated on her right is David Ellis.

Benton Park Players 1927

E131 – Benton Players, 1927.

Benton Players – 1927

A short one act play, the action takes place during the serving of dinner.
Some of the cast dressed as cook, kitchen maid and parlour maid.
Left was Alice Haverhand, Betty Cree in the centre and Gwen Roberts on the right.

Benton Park Players 1927

E132 – Benton Players, 1927.

Benton Players – 1927

Alice Haverhand on the left played a cook, Gwen Roberts in the centre a parlour maid and Betty Cree on the right a kitchen maid.

Benton Park Players 1927

E152 – Benton Players, 1927.

Benton Players – 1927

In this production the cast were back row left to right: John Parker, Leslie Mathers, Charles Assell, Donald Parker, Betty Cree, David Ellis, Nancy Creasey.
At the front were left to right: Margaret Roberts, Edna Gill, Dora Creasey and Margaret Gilbert.

Benton Park Players 1927

E137 – Benton Players, 1927.

Benton Players – 1927

The play was adapted from a novel published in 1890 by a prolific American writer Francis Marian Crawford.
The plot revolves around a Russian Count who has to live in poverty in Munich where he falls in love with a co-worker at the cigarette factory where he is employed.

The cast of this play were standing, left to right: Edna Gill, Alan Jack, Harry Wright, Leslie Mathers, Dora Creasey and Charles Assell.
Seated left to right: Mary Clarke, Betty Cree, David Ellis and Edgar Sutcliffe.

Benton Park Players 1927

E130 – Benton Players, 1927.

Benton Players – 1927

An undated production of Cinderella, the cast seen here were:
Joe Long, Lena Balmforth and George Holroyd.

Benton Park Players 1931

E149 – Benton Players, 1931.

Benton Players – 1931

The play depicts the generational clashes within a prosperous English family, all concerning the matrimonial wishes of the rising generation and their parents’ opposition to it.
Edgar Sutcliffe is playing the butler on the left with a coffee pot.
The other cast members were left to right: David Ellis, Edna Gill, Kathleen Dawson, Dora Creasey, Harry Wright and Ralph Ellis.

Benton Park Players 1931

E150 – Benton Players, 1931.

Benton Players – 1931

Cast from left to right: Frank Ellis, Nancy Creasey, Dora Creasey, Edgar Sutcliffe (butler), David Ellis, Edna Gill, Edna Witham, Charles Grimshaw, Rene Varley and Ralph Ellis.

Benton Park Players 1931

E151 – Benton Players, 1931.

Benton Players – 1931

Left to right are: Edgar Sutcliffe, Nancy Creasey, Rene Varley, Edna Gill, David Ellis, Ralph Ellis, Dora Creasey, Frank Ellis and Harry Wright.

Benton Park Players 1950

Z20 – Benton Players, 1950.

Benton Players – 1950

Standing Left to right: unknown, Jean Dodson, Fred Denison and Nora Caygill.
Seated left to right: Olive Robinson, Audrey Caygill, Cicely Molkin , unknown and Frank Ellis.

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Consolidated by: Elaine Ellwood. 26 March 2021.
Last updated: 14 October 2022 – All images updated.

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