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Carr Lane

Carr Lane 1930s
Title Carr Lane
Date 1930s
Location Rawdon
Photo ID 6
Comment Carr Lane runs from Town Street Rawdon down to Leeds Road.

This photo is of Jean Lillian Luty on her bike at the top of Carr Lane.

“I was born at home at No: 4 Carr Lane, Rawdon, in a tiny cottage that is no longer there. I must have been early because my first crib was a large dresser drawer.
I can remember that it was really tiny inside the house virtually a one up and down with a tiny landing bedroom and an outside privy”.

Childhood Memories of Jean Lillian Luty – read it in full – Memories section pre 1939 or Click Here. (to be completed)

Donated by Jean Lillian Dean (Nee Luty) AHS Committee Member.

Carr Lane 1950s

K111 – Carr Lane. 1950s.

Carr Lane – 1950’s

The donor of this image, Richard Elliott told us “this is a photo of a postcard I bought from Austin’s paper shop on Town Street, Rawdon around 1965.
You can see gas street lamps so I think the original image taken for the post card was taken in the mid 1950’s. The street sign for Emmott Drive on the right “

Donated by Richard Elliott.

Editors’ Note: The lamp posts still bear their war time street markings of white and black which assisted motorists during the blackout. Billingwood Drive about a half mile away was constructed in 1949/50 and the gas street lamps at that time had no blackout markings. Ed: JB.

Carr Lane 2014

F397 – Carr Lane, 2014.

Carr Lane – 2014

Looking down Carr Lane from Town Street in the direction of Leeds Road.

Donated by Edwy Harling.

Previous Comments:

Re K111
Hi Richard, I remember the way it used to look very well when there were still the little cottages at the top on left hand side. Walked up and down here many a time as one of my best friends Carol Milligan lived on Emmott Drive and think you may have gone to the “National” school with her younger sister Valerie. Both now live in Knaresborough, great to see Sue last week we were of course reminiscing and your name was mentioned! Forgot the paper shop became Austin’s. I remember when it was Hardaker’s and Stuart and I used to have paper rounds there!

01 November 2015.

Re K111
Jack Brayshaw. Ed.

Hardaker’s, Austin’s and then Stead’s in the mid 60s. Not forgetting Barretts General Stores opposite on Town Street, which was a Cobbler’s previously and lovely Isobell Wallers little sweet shop a door down.
30 March 2021.

Consolidated by Elaine Ellwood. 14 March 2021.
Last updated: 25 October 2022 – All images updated.

1 thought on “Carr Lane”

  1. I lived on Carr Lane from birth until I married. Interested to see the name Carol Milligan from an earlier post. Don’t remember Carol but used to play with (I assume) her daughter Julie or Julia Milligan when we were very young. Could count on the fingers of one hand how many cars used Carr Lane during the day in the mid ‘60’s.

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