Title | Farwell Road |
Date | 2014 |
Location | Rawdon |
Photo ID | G231 |
Comment | Three views of Farwell Road which is located off Town Street. |
1 Farwell Fold – 2014
The owner of the property David Reed, donated these images with the information that having recently bought the house (formerly Joyce’s Hairdressers) he began renovations and made several exciting discoveries.
A huge 9ft Inglenook fireplace was uncovered which had been bricked up for over 50 years, when cladding was removed from the walls of a storeroom white tiling was revealed some of which they have managed to retain.
1 Farwell Fold – 2014
David has since learned that it was once a butcher’s shop with an abattoir across the road which has been demolished and now has a detached house on the site.
The deeds of the property reveal that Penny’s were the owners after the 1900s – Penny’s still operate a meat business in Rawdon.
David thinks this may be one of the oldest houses in Rawdon.
1 Farwell Fold – 2014
The current owner David Reed is converting the property into a dwelling and has uncovered an original fireplace plus white tiled walls probably dating to the time it was a butchers.
David has now learned the building was possibly once a public house, there was a pub on Town Street called the Nags Head.
It closed in 1932, and the licence was transferred to the Stone Trough, could this be the property David is renovating?
Previous Comments:
Sorry, I was misleading David, The Farwell cottage I was referring to IS at the top of Warm Lane, behind the present big garage. I found it on Google Earth. It must date from about 1800 and is a stone cottage or row of cottages, Funny there should be two “Farwell’s” in Rawdon. My Grandmother lived there from at least 1900 to 1935.
09 July 2015.
Did you get my previous comments. I would be interested to hear from anyone about Farwell Cottage at the top of Warm lane.
09 July 2015.
What a great discovery. My grandparents had the Nags Head and that was further up Town Street (now the Post Office) it was listed in the census as a Beer House. My grandfather died there and my grandmother Clara Louisa Long, remarried Jack Braithwaite, a farmer and they were tenant farmers at Grange Farm now demolished and on the site of the school car park. When I went to the national school in 1950s I recall there was the abattoir and butchers shop which I think was used by WOOD Family (Arthur Wood and parents) who had the farm next to my gran think it was Town Farm.
My father also worked at the large shop near there which was Emsleys grocers and corn merchants. This part of Rawdon is very well known to me.
If you look at the old maps of Rawdon you will see clearly which are the oldest houses in Rawdon. Town Street, Canada Road, weavers cottages and Apperley Lane area, Little London. There were many farms most of which have been sadly demolished.
24 June 2016.
Farwell Cottage at the top of Warm Lane was once a farmhouse, and actually it was in Nether Yeadon, although some of this area did appear on the Rawdon Census I think it would be classed as Yeadon. The other Farwell Cottage in Town Street was also an old farmhouse. I do not think that it was ever a public house, as valryan said it was higher up in what then became the Old Post Office, and you can see the old doorway which is quite impressive. When the pub closed down ( it was still there in the early 1900’s as my grandfather visited it ) the license could have moved to an old cottage in Canada Road which became a public house, although this closed down just before WW2, and it became an off license and grocery store, and then the Stone Trough opened at the bottom of Canada.
25 June 2016.
Has anybody got any old photos of Woods butchers, abattoir or Farm as I would be very interested on any information relating to the property I have now renovated – Joyce s Hairdressers formerly Woods Butchers shop.
11 January 2017.
Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 21 April 2021.
Last updated: 01 February 2023 – Photo ID: W935. 27 October 2022 – All images updated.