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Micklefield Lane (2)

Micklefield Lane 1910
Title Micklefield Lane
Date 1910
Location Rawdon
Photo ID S405
Comment A view of Micklefield Lane, on the reverse a message reads: “Hope this will find you alright, love from all, Evelyn”. It was sent to Mrs W Westcott who was a patient in the Leeds General Infirmary.

An identification number 6953 is given, in the past patients who had infectious diseases or were very ill were not allowed visitors, these numbers were published daily in the local newspapers under various categories ranging from dangerously ill to better. In this way relatives were informed of a patients progress. Donated by Carol Hall.

Micklefield Lane 1910

S406 – Micklefield Lane, 1910.

Micklefield Lane – 1910

The reverse of the image above.

Micklefield Lane 1919

D061 – Micklefield Lane, 1919.

Micklefield Lane – 1919

A view of Micklefield Lane.

Micklefield Road c1920

I033 – Micklefield Road, c1920.

Micklefield Road – c1920

View down Micklefield Road towards Micklefield Lane.

Micklefield Lane 1920

H478 – Micklefield Lane, 1920.

Micklefield Lane – 1920

Micklefield Road seen from Micklefield Lane, behind the people on the left is a small quarry.

Micklefield Lane c1940s

D060 – Micklefield Lane, c1940s.

Micklefield Lane – c1940s

View of Micklefield Lane, the little girl on the left became Mrs Hardisty.

Micklefield Lane 1947

J354 – Micklefield Lane, 1947.

Micklefield Lane – 1947

Trees in full leaf on the Lane, to the left is Micklefield Park.
Photographer Marmaduke Milner, donated by the Swain family of Rawdon.

Micklefield Lane Undated

D133 – Pennygate, Micklefield Lane, Undated.

Pennygate, Micklefield Lane – Undated

John Grimshaw, born in 1756, in Calverley built this house.
It is on Micklefield Lane.

Previous Comments:

Re D061
My brother lived in this first row (at the end) and the next big house was the Doctors residence. Dr Sproat – it used to cost us a shilling to go and see him. I remember him taking on a young man to follow him – Dr.Pollock a lovely Scot who was a stickler for the rules!! No pulling the wool over his eyes!! He was great.
18 April 2013.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 13 April 2021.
Last updated: 20 November 2023 – Photo ID: I033. 02 November 2022 – All images updated.

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