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Old Toll Houses

Old Toll Houses Undated
Title Old Toll Houses
Date Undated
Location Rawdon
Photo ID A308
Comment These old toll bar houses were on the Rawdon side of Apperley Bridge, their original purpose was the collection of tolls from travelers on the Dudley Hill to Killinghall Turnpike Trust Road.

A legacy of the Roman invasion of Britain was a system of level, straight and well maintained roads, in the following centuries responsibility for roads fell to individual towns and communities.
This hap- hazard arrangement meant that by the 18th, 19th Centuries when transporting goods and travel were on the increase the dire conditions of roads was a dangerous hazard.
The burgeoning Industrial Revolution forced action to be taken, Turnpike Trusts were formed to build and maintain roads by Act of Parliament and tolls were charged.
The building on the right became a shop, at one time David Martin had the shop and a newspaper round in Rawdon.
They were demolished around 1930 when the present road bridge was erected.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 13 April 2021.
Last updated: 02 November 2022 – Image updated.

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