Title | St. Peter’s Church, Church Players. |
Date | 1930s |
Location | Rawdon |
Photo ID | C376 |
Comment | This was a production of “Little Women” |
The photograph above and the following two below are from a production of “Little Women”. In the middle of group of 6, are Renee and Harold Hoare, to the left and standing and seated are sisters Sally and Mary Smith. Sally and Mary are also in the photo with the baby, all the cast lived locally and appeared regularly in productions.
Other names given are Phyllis and Ronald Rollinson, Marjorie Page, John Macaskie, Guy Coulston and Vernon Huggins.
St. Peter’s Church, Church Players – 1930s.
The Players from the right are :
Ronnie Rollinson, Renie Hoare bent over in a swoon and her husband Harold Hoare.
Harold moved to Rawdon from Masham, he worked in Emsley’s grocery store on Rawdon Town Street.
Renie nee Long worked at Storey Evans, they met through the Church Players, Ronnie Rollinson was best man at their wedding.
Other regular players in the group were :
Phyllis Rollinson, Mary Smith, Marjorie Page, John Macaskie, Sallie Smith, Guy Coulson, Vernon Huggins, plus others.
Donated by Val Ryan.
St. Peter’s Church, Church Players – 1930s.
A production called “Lillies of the Field”, in the cast were regular performers for the group:
Renie & Harold Hoare, Sallie & Mary Smith, Ronnie & Phyllis Rollinson, John Macaskie, Marjorie Page, Guy Coulson and Vernon Huggins.
Many others were involved off stage dealing with costumes, props, producing, prompting and ticket sales.
Donor of the images Val Ryan mentions “It would seem to have been a somewhat controversial production. It was also remarked upon that twins Sallie and Mary Smith acted the parts of twins in the play. Two of the other cast members mentioned in the review became honorary aunts to me, Betty Bell who lived in Wentworth Terrace and Kathleen Hargreaves who lived in Layton Close at the bottom of Layton Lane, I failed to recognise them from their youth”.
Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 23 March 2021.
Last updated: 17 October 2022 – All images updated.