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Benton Park School (2)

Benton Park Football Team 1961/62

FB435 – Benton Park School Football Team, 1961/62.

Title Benton Park School (2)
Date 1961/62
Location Rawdon
Photo ID FB435
Comment Benton Park School Football Team 1961/62

Under 15s football team, most of the boys have been named:

Back row left to right: Martin Girt, Howard German, ? Sam Gamble, Barry Vine.

Middle row left to right: Alex Stokes, Charles Emsley, David Gibson, Andy Myers, Guy Barie,

Front left to right: Mr. Danson (P E Teacher), Lee Womersley, Mr. Elliot (Headmaster), Brian Hudson ?

Benton Park Pupils 1962

L044 – Benton Park School Pupils 1962.

Benton Park School Pupils – 1962

On the back row from left to right are :
Rodney ?, Gordon Ingham, Howard German, Tony Howell, Philip Jennings, ? ?

Middle row left to right: Graham Palmer, ? ? Keith Pearson, Ross Thorpe, Carlo Harrison, Jeff Reynard, ? ? David ?, Raymond Rundell, ?

Front left to right : Wendy Cookson, Sarah Alderman, Hazel Clark, Pat Elliot, Kathleen Harrison, John Shaw, Gillian Sykes, Susan Hudson, Maxine Palmer, Barbara Wilkes, Janet Bryan, Ann or Lynne Gooder.

Benton Park Pupils 1963

FB199 – Benton Park School Pupils, 1963.

Benton Park School Pupils – 1963

A fashion parade to display clothes made in needlework classes.
At the back, 5th from the left is Susan Wild (nee Todd).

Donated by Susan Wild (nee Todd).

Benton Park Pupils 1963

F728 – Benton Park School Pupils, 1963.

Benton Park School Pupils – 1963

A school class, in the middle of the front row is Howard German.

Donated by Alan Clifford.

Benton Park Football Team 1968/69

FBA112 – Benton Park Football Team, 1968/69.

Benton Park School Football Team – 1968/69

Back row left to right:
? Phil Howell, Tom Roberts, Martin Little, Fred Davey, Tony Dunn, ?

Front row left to right :
Robert Taylor, Steven Drake, Michael Paget, Robin Carter, John Kilburn, Andrew Cockings.

Benton Park School Pupils Gala Day 1968

G188 – Benton Park School, Gala Day, 1968.

Benton Park School Gala Day – 1968

June 1968. Gala Day, a crowd have gathered round the coconut shy.

Benton Park School Pupils 1968

J407 – Benton Park School Pupils, 1968.

Benton Park School Pupils – 1968

Photo taken on Speech Day, presumably these pupils were awarded prizes.

Benton Park School Pupils 1969

G172 – Benton Park School, Summer Fair, 1969.

Benton Park School Summer Fair- 1969

The opening of the Summer Fair, the man signing autographs was possibly a TV personality.

Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.

Benton Park School 2014

L170 – Benton Park School , 2014.

Benton Park School – 2014.

The school is viewed looking through trees on Rufford Drive.

Photographer John Arundel.

Benton Park School 2018

L848 – Benton Park School, 2018.

Benton Park School,- 2018.

The school on Harrogate Road caters for pupils aged 11 – 18 years. It opened in 1960, built in the grounds of Benton Park House, where classes had previously been held for older children from Rawdon Littlemoor School.

Photographer Carlo Harrison.

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Consolidated by Jake Burrows (D of EA). 22 March 2021.
Last updated: 10 August 2023 – Photo ID: F728. 11 October 2022 – All images updated.

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