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Scouts, Guides, Cubs & Brownies (2)

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies c1950s
Title St. John’s Scouts
Date c1950s
Location Yeadon
Photo ID C315
Comment The scouts appear to be on an outing, most of the boys can be identified using the key below. Image donated by Howard German.
Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies c1950s

C316 – St. John’s Scouts, c1950s.

St. John’s Scouts – c1950s

As above.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies c1950s

H119 – St. Andrew’s Church Guides, c1950.

St. Andrew’s Church Guides – c1950

The wedding of Guide leader Gillian Spencer, Guides and Brownies are providing a guard of honour.

The donor of the image Heather Smaelie, is in the photo.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies 1950s

D960 – St. John’s Scouts, c1950s.

St. John’s, 10th Airedale Scouts – late 1950s

Late 1950s: The 10th Airedale Scouts are based at St. John’s Church, Yeadon. The Scouts are seen here with their Leaders, cubs and the Vicar.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies 1950s

D970 – St. John’s Scouts, 1950s.

St. John’s, 10th Airedale Scouts – late 1950s

Late 1950s: The 10th Airedale Scouts are based at St. John’s Church, Yeadon. Here they were at a rally, location unknown.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies 1950s

D980 – St. John’s Scouts, 1950s.

St. John’s, 10th Airedale Scouts – late 1950s

Late 1950s: This Scout group were based at St. John’s Church, Yeadon. Some of the leaders are enjoying an alfresco meal, probably while away camping.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies 1950s

D991 – St. John’s Scouts, 1950s.

St. John’s, 10th Airedale Scouts – late 1950s

Party of Scouts who were going to Norway.

Queen Street Methodist Chapel Guide Company 1852/53

H979 – Queen Street Guides, 1952/53.

Queen Street Methodist Chapel Guide Company – 1952/53

The 4th Yeadon (Queen Street Methodist Chapel) Guide Company. On the right of the back row is Irene Hamilton, Gwenneth Flesher is in the centre of the middle row holding the shield, she is the cousin of the donor of the photo Jean Rhodes who is on the left of the middle row. Also in the group is Judith Hemsley.

Guide Tableau 1953

FBA186 – Guide Tableau, 1953.

Guide Tableau – late 1953

An historical tableau presented by the Guides, this was part of the Coronation celebrations for that year. The venue was Yeadon Town Hall, Jean Mawson is behind the woman wearing a striped dress, Mrs Walker holds a book.

Donated by Brenda Milnes.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies 1956

FB372 – Aireborough Grammar School Guides, 1956.

Aireborough Grammar School Guides – 1956

22nd February 1956 – Guides seen outside the school on “Thinking Day”.

Image Donated by Pam Waite.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies

FBA021 – Airedale Scouts, 1964.

Airedale Scouts – 1964

19th July 1964: Bolton Abbey. Local scouts were enjoying a holiday at Bolton Abbey with a troop from Scotland.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies 1966

G184 – St. John’s, 10th Airedale Scouts, 1966.

St. John’s, 10th Airedale Scouts – 1966

St. John’s 10th Airedale Scouts with Cubs and a Guide.
Colin Wilkinson is at the back on the left.
Third from the left wearing glasses was the Group Scout Leader at the time, Wilf Hemsworth. (Both are wearing the old style Scout hats.)

Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies Undated

FBA111 – Queen Street Methodist Cubs, Undated.

Queen Street Methodist Cubs – Undated

On the 2nd row, from the left are:
John Kilburn, Paul Taylor, ? Peter Booth, ? Paul Greenwood.

Front row, from the left are:
Barry Teale, ? Martin Booth, Paul Slater, ? David Slingsby.

The lady on the right next to the curtain is Judith Emsley.

Donated by Sam Kilburn.

Scouts Guides Cubs & Brownies Undated

C314 – St. John’s Scouts, Undated.

St. John’s, 10th Airedale Scouts – Undated

A few of the boys who belonged to the Yeadon St. John’s Scout troop.
On the left is Duncan Middlemiss, left at the front is Rodney Coope, Peter Rowney is next in the centre.

Image donated by Howard German.

Airedale Scouts 1964

H127 – Scout Gang Show, 1968.

Scout Gang Show – 1968

St. Mark’s Church (AKA Queen Street Chapel) Scout Gang Show with Guides and Brownies.

Previous Comments:

Re D960
david freeman-BULLFROG
Good to see ‘Otter’ Harry King, Don Wollam, Dennis Ostick and Jean Rue Arkala’s.
Kim is not present neither Jim? Fawcett. I suspect this was taken late 59. My finial camp was with the 10th, to Hardanger Fyord in Norway in 60 or 61 as a senior scout. Great fun. Most of this group of older scouts Tetly Boys, and more I cannot recall the names of, except Gerrald Harrison, maybe went on the Norwegian Adventure with Don Wollam and Mr Teley, and I believe Otter may have been their.
The gent in the plain suite was our sponsor the Local Henshaw Joiner and Builder Syd Dennison.
30 September 2019.

Stephen Allinson
More names on the D960 photo are:
Dennis Woolam with both his leader parents.
David Collins. John & Arthur Ward. Leader Alec Shaw.
Trevor Hadwin. Paul Twigg. Duncan Middlemas. Bob Stokes.
02 October 2019.

Julie Morrison
I believe the gentleman in the suit is actually Syd’s son Thomas. In the late 50’s Syd would have been close to 80 years old, he died in 1966 at the age of 86. Additionally, I believe it is my father Kenneth Ostick not Denis.
12 November 2019.

Re H127
Graham Oddy and Peter Wright back row right hand side, I think?
15 February 2017.

Re H119
This is where I got married in 1952, and I sat out and did a drawing from this very angle in the late 60’s early 70’s and gave it to a Mrs Corker who lived in the cottages to the left of the church at that time.
29 March 2014.

Re H119
Gillian married Rodney Clark who was the son of the photographer who had a shop on the Town Hall square.
12 April 2015.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 21 October 2021.
Last updated: 16 November 2023 – Photo ID: FBA186. 03 October 2023 – Photo ID: H979. 22 January 2023 – All images updated. 03 February 2022 – Photo ID: I470 & H119. 21 January 2022 – Photo ID: FB372, FBA111 & C314.

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