Nola Exley’s Dancers, Yeadon Town Hall – 1953
This photo was listed in the Guiseley Town Hall, section, however, read on…
In the past the theatre was the Town Hall, the photo shows Nola Exley’s dance group who were taking part in a production of Aladdin.
The girl kneeling on the left was Heather, to the right, kneeling is Anne Watkinson, standing next to her is Maureen Bolton.
Donated by Anne Copeland nee Watkinson.
From Christine Roberts – The photo of Nola Exley’s dancers was taken at Yeadon Town Hall, not Guiseley, I was Christine Lawson in those days and was the ‘princess’ kneeling centre right. I know all the names if anyone is interested. The date was 1953.
28 April 2020.
Editor’s Note: – Thank you Christine for your explanation and yes, AHS would be very interested if you could supply further names to the faces. Please forward to me Jack Brayshaw. AHS, at
From Left to right standing: Hazel Jagger, Katherine Riggott, Judith Mullineaux, Yvonne Crowther, Dorothy Barraclough, Sylvia Leach, Beryl Simpson, Ann Baker, Christine Atkinson, Maureen Bolton, Anne Watkinson.
Left to right kneeling: Maureen Clarke, Christine Roberts, Douglas Kaye.
Names supplied by Christine Roberts, 17 February 2023.
King and I – 1968
A production of the King and I, this is a group of “Royal” children.
On the left of the back row is Valerie Eastwood, next Deborah Naylor then 3 unknown children, next Richard Holdsworth.
The producer’s name was Myers, 3 cast members were also from the Myers family, Karen Speight is believed to have taken part in the show.
Donated by Richard Holdsworth.
Charities Pantomime – 1970
The ‘Sunbeam’ dancers part of the Humpty Dumpty pantomime production.
Back row L to R: Paula Briggs, Catherine Sutcliffe,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Shirley Mottram and Frances Moran.
Front row seated Brenda Hill,?,?,?
Also named in the image are Denise Ingleson, Jane Sutcliffe and Julie Kitson.
Photographer Bryan Waite, donated by his family.
Park View Chapel, Pantomime – 1970
This performance of Dick Whittington was given by the Park View Players.
The sunbeams were, left to right:
Fiona Quinton, Carol Banham, Wendy Toothill, Janet Hampshaw, Alison Fields, Julie Rawnsley, Amanda Twigg, Vicky Dean (Molloy), Lea Swales (Walker), Christine Thorp.
Other parts were played by :
Fairy: Lorraine Hathaway, Dame: Ben Eastwood, Principle Girl: Patricia Hathaway, Sea Monster: Robin Nichols, Queen, center: Mrs Prince.
Park View Chapel, Pantomime – 1971
Babes in the Wood pantomime which was performed by the Park View Players.
Some of the Sunbeams were:
Janet Hampshaw, Anne Marie Jowsy, Trudy?, Wendy Toothill, Carol Banham, Amanda Twigg, Lea Swales (Walker), Vicky Dean (Molloy).
Other parts were played by:
Babes, Lorraine Hathaway and Julie Rawnsley.
Dame, Ben Eastwood.
Wizard, Robin Nichols.
Queen, Mrs Prince. Fairy back row middle, Patricia Woody.
Pantomime Dames – 1994
Sketch of 3 pantomime Dames : on the left is Leslie Appleyard who performed in the 1980s/90s.
Donald Brown is in the center, on stage in the 1970s/80s.
Fred Hudson is to the right, he played Dame in the 1950s.
Drawings and image donation by Ian White.
If you like Pantomimes then view the Theatre Royal (Peeps) 1876 – 1915, within the ‘Club’ pages or please – Click Here.
Previous Comments:
Re H037
The Girl 3rd from the left Back row Looks like Sheila Peate.
27 November 2014.
Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 12 October 2021.
Last updated: 30 January 2023 – All images reviewed. 18 December 2022 – Photo ID: H038 Text updated. 09 October 2022 – All Images updated.