St. Andrew’s – 1914
Behind the children, on the left is Joe Lee & Sons furniture business, next Laycock’s drapers and fancy dress.
Whitsuntide or the Feast of the Pentecost begins on the 7th Sunday after Easter and celebrates the descent of the Holy Ghost to the 12 Apostles.
Whit walks were an annual event when groups from different churches would progress through their locality as a token of their faith.
It was also customary for new clothes to be worn on Whit Sunday, this was a great day for children of poorer families, often it would be the only time they would have clothes bought specially for them, usually they would wear hand-me-downs or second hand garments.
They would call on family, friends and neighbors to display their finery and would be rewarded with a few pennies.
Spring Bank Holiday has replaced Whitsuntide as a public holiday but it is still celebrated by those of religious conviction.
Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 30 September 2021.
Last updated: 30 January 2023 – All images reviewed.