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WW2 1939 – 1945 (1)

RASC 1939 - 1945

Title Royal Army Service Corps
Date 1939 – 1945
Location Yeadon
Photo ID X34
Comment This photo was taken outside Albert Mill which was being used as a Command Supply Depot. The Military forces in the area were kept supplied by the RASC with oil, food and petrol from the depot. By 1941 around 35,000 Army and Air Force personnel were being supplied. The RASC troops were initially billeted at Albert Mill then Alexandra House on the High Street but by late 1941 there were too many to accommodate there (around 90), half were sent to the basement of the Temperance Hall. For leisure they formed their own cricket and football teams and played against the local teams and patronised the Clothiers Arms! On the back row left to right are: Sergeants Smith, Ryan, Wyver, and Heaviside. Seated, on the left: Lieutenant Woollett, Captain Manning in the centre and Sergeant John Morris on the right.
Unidentified Military Unit Undated

FB430 – Unidentified Military Unit, Undated.

Unidentified Military Unit – Undated

Opinion is divided about this image, is it 609 Squadron RAF, or some other military group?

WW2 Undated

C090 – 30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding, Home Guard, Undated.

30th Battalion (D of W) West Riding Home Guard – Undated

30th Battalion of the Duke of Wellingtons West Riding Home Guard, these are the Battalion Officers in front of Yeadon Town Hall.
Back Row: Lieut.E Clapham, 2nd Lieut. S Walker, Lieut. S Cooper, Lieut. D R Barker, Lieut. J Shaw, Lieut. R Thompson, Lieut. F Bradley, 2nd Lieut. W G Ayrey, 2nd Lieut.L J Hearn, Lieut. N C West.

4th Row: Lieut. T H Biddle, Lieut. J Mc Glenn, Lieut. W K Truesdale, Lieut. R N Waterhouse, Lieut. S Knowles, 2nd Lieut. B Speight, 2nd Lieut. R Wagstaff, Lieut. W R Child, Lieut. G W C Barlow, 2nd Lieut. C R Walker, 2nd Lieut. W R Butterfield, 2nd Lieut. F Waters.

3rd Row: Lieut. J H Milnes, Lieut.A G Dove, Lieut.R Brook, Lieut. F Helstrip, Lieut. T C Whitelock, Lieut. G W Hesp, Lieut. H B Waugh, 2nd Lieut. E Cunliffe, 2nd Lieut. F G Allerton, Lieut.W O Westcott, 2nd Lieut. F Denison, Lieut. L I Wadsworth, 2nd Lieut. G H Glover.

2nd Row: Lieut. B Herron, Capt. G Rawnsley MM, Lieut. A W Lister, Lieut. G D Hinds, Capt. J H Driver, Capt. W D Murray, Capt. F W Garnett, Capt. H Gee, Capt T Hunter, Capt. A Massheder, Lieut. W A Chadwick, Lieut. E A D Paul, Lieut. G Wilson.

Front Row: Capt. E E Millward OBE, Capt. G H Shipley, Capt. A N Wilson, Major R Hutchinson, Major H C Pilley, Major W V Kerr, Major T P W Rogers MC 2nd in Command, Lieut. Col. R Grimshaw JP OBE, Battalion Commander Major C B Burns, Major J G Chambers, Major J Atkinson, Major A E Gray, Capt. F Brown MM, Capt. G H Sanderson, Capt. J E Gent.

Home Guard 1940s

K773 – Yeadon Home Guard, 1940s.

Home Guard – 1940s

These men were Aireborough’s own “Dad’s Army”.

Home Guard 1940s

FB232 – Yeadon Home Guard, 1940s.

Home Guard – 1940s

Duke of Wellington’s 30th Battalion Home Guard, the back row includes:
Fred Myers, Ronnie Mallinson, Claude Fieldhouse, Carl Sedman, Maurice Pawson, Lawrence Marshall, John Fawkins, Stanley Brooks, Jim Cockshott
Middle row left to right : ? Derek Norris,Bill Eddy ? Eric Blackwell, ? Wagstaff.
Front row left to right : Fred Peel, Frank Gilbert, Dennis Butterfield, Sam Kilburn, Basil Ibbitson, Joe Metcalf, Fred Ingham.

Image Donated by Sam Kilburn.

Home Guard 1940s

S320 – Yeadon Home Guard, 1940s.

Home Guard – 1940s

On the extreme right of the back row is Mark Busfield, grandfather of Freda Potts who donated the photo. To his left is Harris Cooper who was the grandfather of Graham Beevers.

Home Guard 1941

C095 – 30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding, Home Guard, 1941.

‘A’ Company, 30th Battalion (D of W) West Riding Home Guard – 1941

These men were the winners of a trophy awarded by Colonel P Petrie DSO MC.

30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding Home Guard 1941/42

FB195 – 30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding, Home Guard, 1941/42.

30th Battalion (D of W) West Riding Home Guard – 1941/42

The Home Guard Machine Gun team outside Bancroft House on Henshaw Lane. The men included Teddy Tingle,  Bill Adams ,Gilbert Petty,  Jim Fieldhouse.
In the foreground are Joe Hague (left) and Sam Kilburn (right)

Donated by Sam Kilburn.

Home Guard 1943

G313 – Home Guard, 1943.

Home Guard – 1943

Probably Yeadon/Rawdon based, on the reverse of the photo is “C COY 30th Batt. D of W”. The image was donated by Neil Ascough, his grandfather John Kirkbright is on the photo.

30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding Home Guard 1944

C094 – 30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding, Home Guard, 1944.

‘A’ Company, 30th Battalion (D of W) West Riding Home Guard – 1944

Eight men who were part of ‘A’ Company, 30th Battalion, West Riding Home Guard.
They were the winners of a trophy awarded by Captain A Winn DCM.

30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding Home Guard 1944

C097 – 30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding, Home Guard, 1944.

‘A’ Company, 30th Battalion (D of W) West Riding Home Guard – 1944

A presentation to Major C B Nunns, by his officers.

30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding Home Guard 1944

C091 – 30 Bn. (D of W) West Riding, Home Guard, 1944.

‘A’ Company, 30th Battalion (D of W) West Riding Home Guard – 1944

In 1939 when war with Germany was declared there were fears that Britain could be invaded. On the 14th May 1940, men not eligible for military service were called upon to form the Local Defence Volunteers. The name was later changed to the Home Guard, after a period of waiting the men were issued with uniforms and weapons. Here we see ‘A’ Company, 30th Battalion, West Riding Home Guard.

Yeadon & Rawdon Civil Defence 1945

C070 – Yeadon & Rawdon Civil Defence, 1945.

Yeadon & Rawdon Civil Defence – 1945

April 1945: Skyrack Civil Defence, Yeadon and Rawdon Division, in uniform outside Yeadon Town Hall.

Civil Defence volunteers aim to provide non-combatant aid when needed.

In 1939, when war had been declared, Civil Defence volunteers became ARP wardens (Air Raid Precaution), they became responsible for rescuing casualties trapped after bombing raids, administering first-aid, helping the Womens Voluntary Service manning rest centers and feeding people in emergencies, also fire watching to help prevent fires when incendiary bombs had been dropped.
Younger volunteers were given the task of taking messages from warden posts to the local authority control centers.
During the Second World War over 7,000 Civil Defence volunteers lost their lives.

Some names have been supplied for the volunteers seen here:
Ted Summers, Tom Jackson, Frank Dainty, Syd Roo, ? Diamond, Harry Rhodes, Dick Coultas, Edith Tate, Jack Crabtree, Edward Rawnsley, Will Fletcher and Harry Denison. Names provided by Edith and Roger Pratt.

ARPs Undated

ARP – Air Raid Precaution Wardens, (ARP), Undated.

Air Raid Precaution Wardens (ARP) – Undated

A group of Air Raid Precaution Wardens outside Yeadon Town Hall, ARP Wardens were part of the Civil Defence movement.

In the back row on the left is Jack Berry, to his right is Eric Berry.

In spite of the AVRO factory and Yeadon Airport being prime targets the nearest bombs to be dropped in the vicinity were on Otley Chevin.

Previous Comments:

Re FB430
Ken Cothliff:
Doesn’t look like RAF uniforms – more Army – look at Braids on NCOs on back rank. Possibly 1st, 6th Duke of Wellingtons Regiment tasked with defending Yeadon Airfield – including Anti-Aircraft guns.

Could be the army as you say it’s certainly not the RAF. Could even be the Home Guard as the photograph of me in the Home Guard was also taken at the aerodrome where we did our 2.2 small arms training a round 1942.
12 November 2018.

Re C090
I was in the Home Guard when Major Chambers a local Bank manager and Capt. Gent were officers(shades of “Dads Army”)
27 June 2013.

Re FB232
I would be interested to know how many of these people are still alive if anyone out there knows or has relations who know?
29 June 2013.

Laurence Marsh
Although I was not in the Home Guard Regiment referred to, I was in the Lower Hardres, Nr. Canterbury Platoon.
At seventeen in 1944 and I am 92 now. I left to join the army in January 1945. I would be interested to know how many of us are left today?
25 August 2018.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 29 October 2021.
Last updated: 30 January 2023 – All images reviewed.

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