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Home » Yeadon » Landmarks Yeadon » Cemetery


Cemetery 1896
Title Yeadon Cemetery
Date c1896
Location Yeadon
Photo ID H385
Comment Yeadon Cemetery is located on Cemetery Road, many prominent mill owners and local worthies are interred here. In 1875, £4,000 was paid by Yeadon Local Board to Colonel Stansfield for the land. It was consecrated by the Bishop of Ripon, the first burial took place on the 26th of December 1875. Scaffolding with workmen on the entrance tower.
Cemetery Undated

B165 – Yeadon Cemetery, Undated.

Yeadon Cemetery – Undated

This view taken from the cemetery gates, shows the sextons house on the right, local historian Fred Cooper was once sexton for the cemetery.

Cemetery Undated

B403 – Yeadon Cemetery, Undated.

Yeadon Cemetery – Undated

Seen from Cemetery Road the gates and driveway of the cemetery.

Cemetery 1910

A127 – Yeadon Cemetery, 1910.

Yeadon Cemetery – 1910

Here we see the Lodge gates and chapel tower down the drive, the Lodge has become a private dwelling in recent years.

Cemetery 1912

M115 – Yeadon Cemetery, 1912.

Yeadon Cemetery – 1912

Taken in September of 1912, the drive and entrance to the cemetery with a chapel on each side.

Cemetery Pre 1984

S249 – Yeadon Cemetery, Pre 1984.

Yeadon Cemetery – Pre 1984

Grave monuments can be seen in Yeadon Cemetery, this photo was taken before the road line was altered for the new airport runway extension which opened in 1984.

Donated by Andrew Emsley.

Cemetery Pre 1980s

FBA148 – Yeadon Cemetery, 1980s.

Yeadon Cemetery – 1980s

Taken in the 1980s looking across from the cemetery towards Leeds Bradford Airport.

Donated by John Denison.

Cemetery 2006

D220 – Yeadon Cemetery, 2006.

Yeadon Cemetery – 2006

Looking over the cemetery wall in 2006, a few of the grave monuments are in view, many of the local worthies such as Jonathan Peate are buried here.

Cemetery 2012

I132 – Yeadon Cemetery, 2012.

Yeadon Cemetery – 2012

The entrance with a chapel to each side.
It was the custom to build a chapel for the C of E mourners and one for non-conformists. At the entrance is the lodge, now a private house.

Cemetery 2012

FB216A – Yeadon Cemetery, 2012.

Yeadon Cemetery – 2012

A different view of the chapels on Cemetery Road, seen here from inside the cemetery.

Donated by Kelly Chadwick.

Cemetery 2014

C307 – Yeadon Cemetery, 2014.

Yeadon Cemetery – 2014

Leeds City Council are going through the cemetery laying flat any gravestones where there is no family member or other person to take responsibility for the upkeep of the grave.

Donated by Kelly Chadwick.

Previous Comments:

Re B165
A lovely picture of the cemetery in its early days, the chapels are becoming dilapidated but are in use as storage, the central tower has gone many years ago probably from neglect. The idea of their being two chapels was that one was used for non-conformist use as the Wesleyan Chapel burial ground in Yeadon was closing down. If you read some of the gravestones, lots of very young children may be mentioned but it will also say buried in the Wesleyan Chapel ground.
03 August 2015.

Re FBA148
This is actually the bottom of the graveyard at Yeadon Cemetery, in front of the gate is the viewing area and in front of that is Cemetery Road.
04 April 2014.

Consolidated by Elaine Ellwood. 01 September 2021.
Last updated: 30 November 2022 – All images updated.

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