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Henshaw Lane (2)

Henshaw Lane 1932

Title Henshaw Lane
Date 1932
Location Yeadon
Photo ID D086
Comment An early morning photograph showing rain wet roads and looking from New Road Side (A65) up Henshaw Lane. On the corner is a newsagents shop then owned by Barrett’s, with a large parcel of sorts resting against the door. The large building further along the Lane on the left is the old Church of England School, now a car spares business. To the right is Sizers Court.
Henshaw Lane 1947

A256 – Henshaw Lane, 1947.

Henshaw Lane – 1947

1947 was another severe winter with heavy snowfall around the county. Here we are looking up Henshaw Lane from the junction with New Road Side . The path has been cleared and snow is piled in the road. Two people can just be seen walking along the pavement towards the photographer. To the left is the old Church of England School (next to the lamp post), Sizers Court is on the right.

Henshaw Lane 1964

PU094 – Henshaw Lane, 1964.

Henshaw Lane – 1964

August 1964 – Looking down Henshaw Lane, this was the last week Yeadon railway line was operational, the photographer and donor of this photograph, Barbara Winfield captured this rare view of a locomotive pulling goods wagons over the bridge.

Henshaw Lane 1965

X793 – Henshaw Lane, 1965.

Henshaw Lane – 1965

The railway bridge over Henshaw Lane before in was demolished. The same image in Black & White below.

Henshaw Lane 1965

PU095B – Henshaw Lane – 1965.

Henshaw Lane c1965

X782 – Henshaw Lane, c1965.

Henshaw Lane – c1965

The former Henshaw School Building

 Richard Barwick of Low Hall had given land for the building of St John’s church (1844), this was followed by the school in 1847. The date is carved on a stone at the entrance. It is now used as a Car Spare Part business.

Henshaw Lane 1966

J062 – Henshaw Lane, 1966.

Henshaw Lane – 1966

April 1966 – Properties on Henshaw Lane which have now been demolished. New houses are now on this site.

Photographer James Farrar, donated by his son David.

Editor’s Note: This property is the same house as in the last three images above and one below.

Henshaw Lane 1966

J063 – Henshaw Lane, 1966.

Henshaw Lane – 1966

Properties on Henshaw Lane which have been demolished and new houses are now on ths site.

Photographer James Farrar donated by his son David.

Editor’s Note: A shame that such substantial houses were demolished, but that is progress they say, however, please observe the gate post, gate and the gable side end of the last house on the left; now compare this view with that of Photo ID: V130 & J063A below, and you will see that this was the location where V130 was taken. JB. 25 Aug 23.

Henshaw Lane c1890s

V130 – Henshaw Lane, c1890s.

Henshaw Lane 1966

J063A – Henshaw Lane – 1966.

It is always good practice to examine such images as you never know who or what may be blending in with the surrounding scenery; can you see the person in the garden of the image oposite. JB. 25 Aug 23.

Henshaw Lane 1969

L353 – Henshaw Lane, 1969.

Henshaw Lane – 1969

A branch line ran to Yeadon, spurring off from the Guiseley line, it had opened on 26th February 1894 as a goods line only, taking coal to the mills enroute then transporting manufactured goods from the mills.

Occasionally a passenger special would be run during Yeadon Feast Week when all the mills were closed, enabling workers to have a day at the seaside from their home town.

Use of the line declined and it was closed in 1966. The buttress walls still remain, the track bed is now a nature trail. When the bridge had been removed double decker buses were properly able to use Henshaw Lane for the first time.

Henshaw Lane 1969

PU095A – Henshaw Lane, 1969.

Henshaw Lane – 1969

Demolition of the railway bridge commenced on Sunday 2nd March 1969. Here we can see men at work on top of the bridge and some of the heavy plant machinery used by Jennings the demolition contractors.

Donated by Barbara Winfield.

Henshaw Lane c1890s

J951 – Henshaw Lane, c1890s.

Editor’s Note: A look at Henshaw Lane bridge – the image opposite where it is near completion in the 1890s and the image above where it is just being demolished in 1969, just 79 years later.

Henshaw Lane 1969

L354 – Henshaw Lane, 1969.

Henshaw Lane – 1969

Looking up Henshaw Lane with the replacement Station Inn on the right hand side.

Henshaw Lane 1969

A205 – Henshaw Lane, 1969.

Henshaw Lane – 1969

This view looks up Henshaw Lane in the direction of Harper Lane and shows the railway bridge being demolished. Jennings of Pudsey were the contractors, a notice states”Demolition of Bridge. Road Closed Sunday”.

Previous Comments:

Chris Youhill
To local transport aficionados, Henshaw Lane Bridge is very significant. Its original purpose was to carry the railway branch line to Yeadon Station, chiefly goods but at one time a limited passenger service. As far as the old Moorfield Bus Company was concerned, and from 1934 Ledgard’s when they purchased Moorfield, the bridge confined the services from Otley to Horsforth to single decker operation, costing much expensive duplication at busy times. Eventually it was discovered that low height double deckers could be used providing that they used the centre of the road under the bridge. At our Otley depot we did Dance Specials from Ilkley on Saturday nights to Silsden, Otley and Yeadon. Our efficient manager Mr Jack Tapscott used to change his typewriter ribbon to red, with capital letters, on the weekly sheets to read “YEADON – DOUBLE DECK – KEEP TO CENTRE OF ROAD UNDER HENSHAW BRIDGE” – you see we had no low height double deckers at Otley depot.
23 December 2017.

Double deck buses began to run daily under Henshaw Lane railway bridge in March 1969.
28 September 2016.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 19 May 2021.
Last updated: 05 September 2023 – Photo ID: X872. 25 August 2023 – Photo ID: X793, V130, J951 & J063A. 11 December 2022 – All images updated.

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