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Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane

Plane Tree Hill 1933
Title Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane
Date 1933
Location Yeadon
Photo ID D101
Comment A view looking up towards Plane Tree Hill along Bayton Lane at the Yeadon end, behind the photographer is the Fountain on the Harrogate Road and Yeadon High Street.
Plane Tree Hill 1908

A171 – Moor Top Farm, Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane, 1908.

‘Moor Top Farm’, Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane – 1908

Moor Top Farm was situated at the bottom of Plane Tree Hill, tucked into the junction of Bayton Lane and Yeadon Moor Road. This is now to the edge of Horsforth Golf Club green.

The black and white image shows the farm and surrounding area under a blanket of snow.

From Hilary Preston:

“My mother Olive Mary Preston nee Richardson, lived at Moor Top Farm as a child. Her father was Thomas Jackson Richardson.
The farm was situated in a field which now belongs to John Penny of the Rawdon abattoir.

There are still ruins of the buildings in the corner of the field.

My mother always referred to the farm as ” MoorTop ” and also spoke of going to another farm in the area called ‘Coldharbour’.

The rough road which runs between the farm field and the golf course leads down to land belonging to the airport. As a child my mum remembered workmen digging to prepare the ground for the “Aero ” club. When I was small we used to walk that way on a Sunday round the stoop and back for tea.
The large sign saying Yeadon Aero Club always fascinated me and I made a promise that I would join as soon as I was old enough as the thought of a club to eat ‘Aero’ chocolate sounded like heaven after rationing ! I Digress.

The workmen uncovered a large pit of skeletons at the bottom of the hill and mum remembers ” fencing ” with the leg bones with her younger brother Cyril. They were told the bodies were Roman soldiers who had fought a battle with the Celts in Yeadon.
No one appeared interested, and they were covered up.( they may still be there!). In later years, I worked with an amateur historian who was writing a book about Yeadon Mr Roy Price. He attempted to investigate this story and suggested that it may have been a plague pit but no evidence was found of plague in Yeadon or of the existence of the pit at all. Does anyone know anything about this story?

Also is your picture of moor top farm where my grandfather lived? I have never seen a picture before. The forked tree just past the gates is where my mother sat to read as a child and is where we placed her ashes when she passed away in 1991.

Plane Tree Hill 1933

B233 – Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane, Undated.

Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane – Undated

Plane Tree Hill is an area of Bayton Lane, a note on the back of this image tells us “Photograph taken from the rear of Heathermere, Harrogate Road before Coldharbour Estate (Moorlands Avenue, Moorlands Drive) was built—looking towards Plane Tree Hill”
Coldharbour Farm is to the right of the view.

Plane Tree Hill Undated

B233A – Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane, Undated.

Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane – Undated

Reverse side of the image above.

Plane Tree Hill 1933

A442 – ‘Moorlands Drive’, Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane, 1933.

‘Moorlands Drive’, Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane – 1933

A view of houses on Moorlands Drive, off Bayton Lane just after the junction with Harrogate Road.
At the end of February 1933, came 48 hours of continuous snowfall, drifts of 14 foot high were measured on the Yorkshire Moors.

Plane Tree Hill 1933

D727 – Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane, 1933.

Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane – 1933

Mill chimneys are silhouetted against snow covered ground, looking from Bayton Lane with Moorfield Mill (Murgatroyd’s) at the corner with High Street and Victoria Avenue.


Plane Tree Hill Undated

C102 – Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane, Undated.

Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane – Undated

A snowy view of Bayton Lane at the Horsforth end looking towards Yeadon and Plane Tree Hill.

Plane Tree Hill 1960

A232 – Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane, 1960.

Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane – 1960

Plane Tree Hill is an area of land off Bayton Lane, here we see 3 trees in silhouette and known locally as the three sisters. A comment with the photo remarks that only one of the trees remain.
The area is now a favourite place for plane spotters as it overlooks Leeds Bradford Airport, but the name Plane Tree Hill pre-dates flight, it is a coincidence that the hill was named “Plane” tree.

Plane Tree Hill 1960s

L386 – Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane, 1960s.

Plane Tree Hill – Bayton Lane – 1960s

A section of Bayton Lane looking down on Yeadon and the Fountain from the top of Plane Tree Hill. Leeds and Brafdford Airport is out of view to the right.
Photographer Charles Lideard, donated by his daughter Christine Hogg.

Previous Comments:

Re A232
These trees were known as The 3 Sisters.
11 November 2013.

In 50s and 60s, when a child we always referred to the area as Plane Trees. The junction of Harrogate Road was always The Fountain.
03 February 2018.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 28 May 2021.
Last updated: 01 January 2023 – All images updated. 30 July 2021 – Photo ID: D727. 25 July 2021 – Photo ID: A171 & A442.

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