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Queen Street Chapel 1900/2013

Queen Street Chapel 1900/2013
Title Queen Street Chapel
Date 1900/2013
Location Yeadon
Photo ID R185
Comment Queen Street Methodist Chapel was built in 1865 and cost £3,600. The older image on the left shows the chapel in it’s glory days, the chapel was renowned for the quality of it’s musicians and actors, the annual performance of Handel’s Messiah was eagerly anticipated.

Behind on the right is the Manse called ‘Woodville’. Mr G Johnson was appointed as Caretaker on 1st March 1912, he was one of 16 applicants for the post. His duties also included care of the Lecture Hall on the High Street, it had previously been the place of worship for the Queen Street congregation. Mr Johnson was paid £1 per week, in addition he was provided with a house, coal, gas and water.

The 2013 photo shows the end of Harper Lane just before the Albert Square roundabout, on the left is Hanover House apartments. The railings on the right are in front of a pull in area for buses, the wall and gate on the right are to the back of the Clothiers Arms.

This area was the site of Queen Street Chapel and gardens before the road line was altered in the late 1960s 1970, the chapel was demolished in 1971.

Queen Street Chapel 1968

FBA121 – Queen Street Chapel, 1968.

Queen Street Chapel – 1968

A drawing of Queen Street Chapel by Sam Kilburn.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 22 July 2021.
Last updated: 04 January 2023 – Both images updated.

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