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Sandy Old Way (2)

Sandy Old Way 2014
Title Sandy Old Way
Date 2014
Location Yeadon
Photo ID N154
Comment Looking up to Sandy Way where the rear of Kettley’s store is in view. The white gable end wall is the side of Willow Cottage. On the left the long white building was the Oddfellow’s Arms (Rag & Louse), it is now converted into 2 homes (March 2016). Photographer John Arundel.
Sandy Old Way 2014

J347 – Sandy Old Way, 2014.

Sandy Old Way – 2014

Sandy Way looking onto Town Street (the Steep), on the left is what is called “The Oldest Fish & Chip Shop”.
On the right the premises are now a shop selling vintage goods (April 2015), in the background is Haworth Court sheltered housing complex, now demolished (April 2015).

Sandy Old Way 2014

L303 – Sandy Old Way – 2014.

Sandy Old Way – 2014

This footpath leads from Ivegate to Sandy Way, the wall on the left belongs to Willow Cottage. The view looks over Sandy Way down to Home Electrics shop at the bottom of the Steep (Town Street).

Sandy Old Way 2014

N337 – Sandy Old Way, 2014.

Sandy Old Way – 2014

Sandy Way, on the left is Sean’s Barbers and Hair La Mode, a Kettley’s furniture van is parked to the rear of the store (frontage on Ivegate). In the centre is Willow Cottage, to the right a fish and chip shop advertised as the “oldest”.

Sandy Old Way 2014

N338 – Sandy Old Way – 2014.

Sandy Old Way – 2014

Willow Cottage is seen from Sandy Way.

Sandy Old Way 2014

N339 – Sandy Old Way, 2014.

Sandy Old Way – 2014

Willow Cottage seen from the side, to the right Lane Fox Court apartments on Ivegate can be glimpsed.

Sandy Old Way 2015

U116 – Sandy Old Way – 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

January 2015: Sandy Way with Town Street (the Steep) on the left. The shop was once a branch of the Rawdon Co-operative Society.
Photographer Phil Walker.

Sandy Old Way 2015

U131 – Sandy Old Way, 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

Various aspects of Sandy Way including what claims to be the oldest fish & chip shop in the world.
Photographer Phil Walker.

Sandy Old Way 2015

U132 – Sandy Old Way – 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

Looking back along Sandy Way, the lit premises on the left was once the Rawdon Co-op grocers. Vans which belong to Kettley’s are parked to the rear of the furniture shop.

Sandy Old Way 2015

U133 – Sandy Old Way, 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

Parmar newsagents shop is round the corner from Sandy Way facing the bottom of the Steep (Town Street) June 2016. On the right is the old Temperance Hall.

Sandy Old Way 2015

U134 – Sandy Old Way – 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

This is the bottom of the Steep (Town Street) or the Green, on the left Home Electrics has now closed (June 2016) and it is currently a business selling dietary supplements.
In the centre is a tattoo parlour, on the right David Meay’s butchers, on the right edge is Old Haworth Lane.

Sandy Old Way 2015

U135 – Sandy Old Way, 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

Looking from the corner of Sandy Way down the Steep (Town Street) to Kirk Lane.

Sandy Old Way 2015

U153 – Sandy Old Way – 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

January 2015: The rear view of Kettley’s furniture shop which fronts onto Ivegate which is glimpsed on the right.
Photographer Phil Walker.

Sandy Old Way 2015

N469 – Sandy Old Way, 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

Looking towards Town Street (the Steep), the shop in the centre was once the Rawdon Co-op store, buildings on the right are the rear of Kettley’s furniture shop.
Photographer Edwy Harling.

Sandy Old Way 2015

N489 – Sandy Old Way – 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

The “Oldest Fish & Chip Shop” located on Sandy Way.
Photographer Edwy Harling.

Sandy Old Way 2015

N500 – Sandy Old Way, 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

The Waggon and Horse Inn before it was demolished and Sandy Way as it was in 2015.

Sandy Old Way 2015

P176 – Sandy Old Way – 2015.

Sandy Old Way – 2015

Shop on Sandy Way which had once been a branch of the Rawdon Co-operative Society, over time it has had varied wares on sale, currently the ‘Forevermoore Vintage Chic’ (December 2015).
Photographer Edwy Harling.

Previous Comments:

Re N337
As a very young lad in the 1930s, I used to go with my dad to cut fish and chop chips for Walt Clapham who owned the fish shop then. My dad used to let me have a go with the chip chopper a practice that would be frowned on today under the health and safety and I am sure my dad would have watched me very carefully even then.
13 February 2018.

Re U133
jean dean
The premises that was Parmar Newsagents has now been converted back to living premises, alas a sign of the times. But the owner has made an excellent job and he deserves much credit, it is excellent.
31 August 2018.

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Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 17 May 2021.
Last updated: 06 January 2023 – All images updated.

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