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Home » Yeadon » Landmarks Yeadon » West Yorkshire Yard

West Yorkshire Yard

West Yorkshire Yard Undated
Title West Yorkshire Yard
Date Undated
Location Yeadon
Photo ID R149
Comment The shop on the left is now “Tribe” barbers on the upper High Street, at the bottom corner of the yard is Wilson’s chemical business. The area is now cleared and is addressed as Club Row (January 2013).
West Yorkshire Yard Undated

R150 – West Yorkshire3 Yard, Undated.

West Yorkshire Yard – Undated

Demolition of West Yorkshire Yard, looking up to the High Street number 78 can be seen.

Previous Comments:

Top picture this was a yard used for several buisnesses in its time, usually being involved in transport, horses and then a depot for buses. Old Club Row did not come up this far it was behind the shops running parallel with them. The bottom picture, if you look at the row of buildings they look as if they could have been cottages.
07 February 2014.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 26 September 2021.
Last updated: 10 January 2023 – Images reviewed.

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