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Westfield Terrace

Westfield Terrace 2014
Title Westfield Terrace
Date 2014
Location Yeadon
Photo ID U158
Comment Westfield Terrace off Whack House Lane, seen here from the back. Photographer Phil Walker.

This is Westfield Terrace, which is on Whack House Lane. It’s the second block down from Kirk Lane. Although they are now all Whack House Lane addresses the letter boxes are on this side of the houses, and in fact when I first moved there 30 odd years ago my Gas bill was addressed Westfield Terrace, and was called that on the 1901 census, but had changed to Whack House by 1911. This stretch of road is a public highway in law and not part of the properties.

Information supplied by Edwy Harling.

Westfield Terrace 2015

R398 – Westfield Terrace, 2015.

Westfield Terrace – 2015

Photographer Edwy Harling.

Westfield Terrace 2015

Westfield Terrace – 2015

Edwy Harling informed us, “The rear access road is a public highway except the owners have to keep it in good repair, I had my section re-tarmacked in the 1990s.
Until Bridge House was built all the gardens on Westfield Terrace were just an area of open land owned by the same person.
The garages at the far end were the original toilet block for the street, the home owners had the right to hang washing on the open ground.
I believe there was a workshop, possibly a blacksmiths, at the corner with St. John’s Road.
When Bridge House was built the owner of the land offered the strip between the road and his fence to householders, originally at a cost of £200 plus fees which he would pay but his solicitor objected and we paid £500 plus fees.
It increased the value of the properties far more.
All the homeowners bought their portions of land and created the gardens which now exist.
Number 227, is West Terrace, on the corner house 229, is a plaque on the roof line which is inscribed ” Erected MY 1894 West Terrace”, presumably MY was the builder”.

Westfield Terrace 2015

Westfield Terrace – 2015

Showing the gardens created by each home owner.

Previous Comments:

Jean dean
M.Y. was Mitchell Yeadon who built the houses and some were given to the female members of his family. The little shop at the end was the home of my Aunt Ethel before she was married, and she told me that she had to get the tins ready for baking the bread before she went to work in the morning.
I also lived in this block, it was the first house we bought when we got married, and we also used Westfield Terrace as part of our address. A gentleman in the middle of the row a Mr. Pyrah was a captain in the Salvation Army, and woe betide you if you hung any washing out on a Sunday. He was a kindly man and he used to like going for his bread to the bakers under the Temperance Hall at the bottom of the Steep, he used to push my little boy up in his push chair, I guess it was a kind of a walking aid. I would like to point out that the house was £950.0. then which seemed an enormous amount of money 1956.
Also to add to my last comment, I remember when I was a little girl my Auntie Ethel used to take me to visit a lady in the middle house who we called Grandma Bailey, I think that she was a daughter of Mr. M. Yeadon.

shirley Bork
Hello. You are right. Ada Bailey, my Grandma, lived in the middle of the terrace and Mr Pyrah was a wonderful man. He went in every day and got her fire going. That was in the day when coal was delivered down a chute into the cellar. The area out the back was wonderful for cricket ( grownups and children ) football and everything else especially bonfire night. I have a photo of my grandma’s children outside the shop at the end. I’ll find it and send to the AHS. We had some wonderful times at grandma’s house. What was your Auntie Ethel’s name. (and yours ) The terrace was built by Mitchell Yeadon my Great Grandad, his builders business was just over the railway bridge towards St. John’s Drive where a lot of the family lived. My father was Harry Bailey. He lived all his life in Yeadon. All best wishes. Shirley Bork.
30 June 2018.

jean dean
Hello Shirley, a once removed cousin by marriage and younger school friend. My Auntie Ethel Luty was also your Auntie, I believe your dads sister. Many happy times at Auntie Ethel’s and Uncle Jack’s when I was at Aireboro Grammar School and I used to take my lunch there, and go and talk to Marjorie who I thought was very glamorous, we used to go to Whist Drives at the Westfield Community Centre, and sometimes to the pictures up Yeadon, and also the dancing at St. Johns Institute, where I believe they were M.C,s. I used to love starting off the dance with Uncle Jack. Happy Times. Jean Luty.
02 July 2018.

Consolidated by Elaine Ellwood. 25 September 2021.
Last updated: 10 January 2023 – All images updated.

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