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Brayshaw, Phoebe – 1925

Phoebe Brayshaw 1925
Title Phoebe Brayshaw
Date 1925
Location Yeadon
Photo ID X161
Comment On the back of this photo are the following details: “My maternal grandmother Phoebe Brayshaw aged 69 going from her Kirk Lane home to shops in High Street. She would be going to Miss Robinson’s for currant teacakes and to Althams for tea and sugar. Not customary rectangular wicker shopping basket, now completely displaced by the ubiquitous plastic bags. The shops at the RH side were those of Rawdon Co-op and the notice-board on the wall is headed London Midland and Scottish Railway. It would be advertising excursions from Guiseley station and cheap fares from Leeds to London for visitors to the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley. The steep was regarded as unsuitable for motors and had a warning sign saying so”. The person who wrote this is unknown.

Phoebe was born a Dixon, the daughter of Samuel and Mary who lived on Kirk Lane – following the many Dixons who had lived there for decades.
She was baptised on August 6th 1854 and later married George Brayshaw in 1880.
They were two of the many workers in the woollen industry as were their two surviving daughters Clara and Sarah Ann.
Phoebe died in 1931, her husband George surviving her by four years.

Additional research by Helen M.

14 January 2023

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 02 November 2021.
Last updated: 14 January 2023 – Photo ID: X161 – Additional text.

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