Title | George & Mary Hopkinson |
Date | c1914 – 1918 |
Location | Yeadon |
Photo ID | FBA057 |
Comment | See below… |
The wedding of George and Mary, George still in uniform, he would have served in the 1914-18 war.
Mary was born at 27 Gill Lane in 1901, the couple lived at 33 Gill Lane 1922-1965.
Mary died in 1970 (their son John who donated this photo was, and still lives in America), they were then living at Abbey Garth which was off Sandy Way. George was still living in Abbey Garth when he died in 1983. Back row L to R Mr King, Martha Bellamy brides mother, Richard Bellamy brides father.
Front row L to R Mrs King, Isaac Hopkinson groom Mary
Bellamy bride, Miss Greece.