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Kilburn, Sam & Family – c1930s Onwards

Hannah Mariah Kilburn c1930s

Title Hannah Mariah Kilburn
Date c1930s
Location Yeadon
Photo ID FB288
Comment At the back left to right: Sam Kilburn (Snr), Edward Yeadon, Emily Clayton (nee Kilburn), Hercliffe Clayton. Seated in the middle, on the left Hannah Mariah Kilburn, then Mrs Edwards, the woman and child on the right are unknown. In front on the left is Olive Richardson and Maggie Clayton on the right, the baby in the centre is unknown. Donated by Sam Kilburn.
Sam Kilburn 1943

FB197 – Sam Kilburn, 1943.

Sam Kilburn – 1943

Sam initially joined Yeadon Home Guard then managed to join the Royal Navy at a young age. He is seen here in his uniform, during his active service he visited many countries including Japan shortly after the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Margaret Kilburn 1950s

FB283 – Margaret Kilburn, 1950s.

Margaret Kilburn – 1950s

Group of children with teacher Margaret Kilburn (Nee Hardy), wife of Sam Kilburn.

Margaret Kilburn 1950s

FB287 – Margaret Kilburn, 1950s.

Margaret Kilburn – 1950s

Teacher Mrs Margaret Kilburn (nee Hardy) with a group of pupils.

Sam Kilburn 2013

CH131 – Sam Kilburn, 2013.

Sam Kilburn – 2013

A double page article in the Wharfedale Observer (17.10.13) relates how two old friends from South View School, Sam Kilburn and John Denison, were reunited after reading each others entries on the Aireborough Historical Society web-site.

Donated by Carlo Harrison.

Sam Kilburn 2013

CH133 – Sam Kilburn, 2013.

Sam Kilburn – 2013

John Denison and Sam Kilburn, Yeadon.

These two men have contributed many memories and images to the AHS website. Both born in 1926, they attended South View School together before they lost touch with each other. Sam joined the Home Guard and then went into the Navy, John joined the Army and eventually settled in Salisbury. The pair recognised each other on the website and were reunited.

John had recalled memories of watching magic lantern shows at home with his dad and offered his slides to AHS, he came to Yeadon in person to hand them to Carlo Harrison, they met in the Clothiers Arms for lunch and Sam joined them. It was a memorable reunion as the two old pals had not seen each other for 74 years! In spite of them both now being aged 88 years of age they recognised each other immediately.

Sam Kilburn 2013

E404 – Sam Kilburn, 2013.

Sam Kilburn – 2013

A double page article in the Wharfedale Observer (17.10.13) relates how two old friends from South View School, Sam Kilburn and John Denison, were reunited after reading each others entries on the Aireborough Historical Society web-site.

Donated by Carlo Harrison.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 01 July 2022.
Last updated: 01 July 2022.

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