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Home » Yeadon » People-Yeadon » Poole, James – 1882

Poole, James – 1882

James Poole 1882
Title James Poole
Date January 1882
Location Yeadon/Apperley Bridge
Photo ID W208
Comment Suicide At Apperley Bridge. Yesterday morning Mr James Poole, aged 52, manager of the Yeadon Co-operative Society, committed suicide at Apperley Bridge by plunging into the River Aire. He was seen in the water and an effort was made to save him with grappling irons but he got away and his body has not yet been recovered. Poole had left his keys, books and so as far as they are concerned everything appears to be correct. Strangely enough, his father drowned himself at the age of 52 and no reason could be assigned for the act”. Image courtesy of the British Newspaper Archives, research by Edwy Harling.
James Poole 1852-1909

W208A – County Coroner Notebook Extract 1852-1909.

County Coroner Notebook Extract 1852-1909

At the house of William Jackson,

At the house of William Jackson,
the Stourdon Hotel, Rothwell,
on Monday the 1st day of May
1882 on view of the body of
James Poole deceased
Mary Ann Poole of Football field, Yeadon,
widow ??? says, I have seen the body of deceased
& I can identify it not only by the clothes on
it but also by a mole mark on the left thigh.
He was 53 years old & the Keeper of a provisions
Store & my husband. On the 2nd January last
we got up & had breakfast together. Deceased was
then & had been for sometime previously
in low spirits. About 1/2 past 6 o’clock the
same morning while I was upstairs he left
the house without saying anything. As he
did not return at 8 o’clock I sent my daughter
for my son. Deceased was always very steady.

Additional research by Helen M.

20 November 2022

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 07 July 2022.
Last updated: 20 November 2022 – Photo ID: W208 & W208A & additional text.

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