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Church Institute, 1894 – 1984

Church Institute Undated

Title Church Institute
Date Undated
Location Yeadon
Photo ID A220
Comment This burnt-out building was in Church Street, it had been used for various purposes including a boot factory and a skating rink. To the right is the Church Institute which was built on the site of Yeadon’s first Wesleyan Chapel and was later used as St Andrew’s Church Sunday School. A room in the basement was used for dancing lessons, when the Institute was converted into apartments in 1984 a time capsule was found. The wall on the right edge was the boundary for the yard belonging to Isaac Croft & Sons, Carriers.
Church Institute c1950s

Z187 – Church Institute, c1950s.

Church Institute – c1950s

A large party held in the Church Institute, some names have been supplied but are not in order:
Ivan Larkin, Angela Ryder, Joyce Crestwell, Anne Ambler, Anne Watkinson, Christine Watkinson, Ian & Michael Farrer (twins), Mary Close, Rita Larkin.

Donated by Anne Copeland nee Watkinson.

Church Institute Undated

P116 – Church Institute, Undated.

Church Institute – Undated

The old Church Institute on Chapel Lane, now converted into apartments (November 2015).

Church Institute Undated

B970 – Church Institute, Undated.

Church Institute – Undated

A large party held in the Church Institute, some names have been supplied but are not in order:
Ivan Larkin, Angela Ryder, Joyce Crestwell, Anne Ambler, Anne Watkinson, Christine Watkinson, Ian & Michael Farrer (twins), Mary Close, Rita Larkin.

Donated by Anne Copeland nee Watkinson.

Church Institute Map Undated

B971 – Church Institute, Undated.

Church Institute – Undated

Map of the location, donated by Philip Archdale.

Church Institute 1979

JH013 – Church Institute, 1979.

Church Institute – 1979

Situated on Chapel Lane, the Institute was built on the site of the first Wesleyan Methodist Chapel in Yeadon (1766).
This was demolished in 1894 and the Institute erected, in 1984 it was converted into apartments.

This photograph was originally taken on a 35mm slide and has been digitally transferred for us by John Hobson.

Previous Comments:

Re A220
Besides a boot factory and skating rink it was used as a billiard hall where I used to go with my father. In the 50’s my wife and I took dancing lessons in the basement and in the 60’s we played badminton upstairs.
15 May 2013.

Hilary Preston
I remember being told, when I was at South View school in the 50s, that John Wesley stayed at the end house, of the row which ran between the Steep and the Church Institute. This house had a very worn step and we were told that it was on this step that Wesley preached, in the absence of a chapel. I think it may have been when the old chapel was being built and Wesley came to see the new chapel going up.The houses outlasted the Wesleyan chapel but were demolished when the sheltered housing was built. Those too are now gone and we have a new apartment block.
05 April 2018.

Rae Pratt
My father Luke Greenwood, used to be a member of a group of young men who were known as The Church Lads, – St Andrews Church Institute, this would have been around the early 1920’s.
23 June 2019.

Consolidated by Jack Brayshaw. 28 January 2022.
Last updated: 18 January 2023 – All images reviewed.

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